The well-known journalist A. Kubilius died after a severe sickness

by times news cr

2024-05-27 09:41:17

Antanas Kibilius was born on August 4, 1936 in Čečelei, Kupiškis district. In 1955, he graduated from Subačius secondary college. From 1955 to 1958, he served within the Soviet Military. In 1958-1963, he studied journalism at Vilnius College. Since 1962, he has been a particular correspondent and division head of the Komjaunimo tiesa newspaper.

“I began my journalistic profession within the newspaper “Komjaunimo tišos”. I will not exaggerate once I say that work romance was overflowing then. The Peasant Youth Division was led by the demanding and glorious chief Antanas Macianskas. Ignas Muldaris and Stasys Patackas additionally labored there. Sadly, all three have already left Annapilin. “We develop corn and accumulative crops”, Ignas Muldaris used to joke then. We wrote articles, outlines, and feuilletons about these cultures, the mountains that develop them, and people agricultural cultures promoted on this method didn’t catch on in Lithuania en masse.

Later I labored within the departments of letters, pupil life. I needed to work with outdated “wolves” of journalism and younger, however already feathered, brothers of the feather. They had been nice husbands, good buddies and buddies. The reminiscences of these days and people co-workers nonetheless fill my chest with nice heat,” stated colleague Antanas. 1971 – 1976 he was a commentator of the Lithuanian State Radio and TV Committee on home coverage points.

“The second office is the Radio and Tv Committee, propaganda editorial workplace. My colleague from the youth newspaper, Stasius Patackus, and I had been commentators on home politics. We wrote it ourselves, different feedback had been ordered to be written by some well-known determine within the economic system, science, tradition. There have been every kind of curiosities: a few of us would get excited, others would get a whole lot of flak. However nothing, we did not die, solely the “armor” of us, the journalists, bought more durable and more durable. It must be famous that at the moment we had been nonetheless younger and labored “from the shoulder”. We spared neither time nor well being,” stated Antanas Kubilius.

1976 -1996 he managed the editorial places of work of Gintaro and Common Historical past on the Minties publishing home. “The final workplace is the Minties ebook publishing home. And the duties are extra bureaucratic than artistic. Throughout greater than twenty years of labor, our editorial employees has revealed many publications of varied profiles. Whereas working on the publishing home, Lithuania regained its independence. It was not straightforward for everybody to rapidly reorient themselves psychologically. Ultimately, we bought alongside, there have been no extra sharp corners, however my life additionally turned in direction of the sundown. Needed to retire. A full-fledged life has handed, it has passed by the wayside… All that continues to be are the reminiscences that I stay by now. So I gave virtually 40 years to the press. In my view, the occupation of a journalist is fantastic. I did not accumulate materials wealth from her, however I gained a whole lot of religious wealth,” stated colleague Antanas.

He translated dozens of publications from Russian into Lithuanian. He revealed the nonfiction assortment “Notes on the margins of the previous” (2009), the novels “Echoes from the effectively of life” (2010), “Life marked by destiny” (2012), the autobiographical brief story “Journalistic previous twists” (2013).

Member of LŽS since 1970. In recent times, he has been energetic within the LŽS Seniors Membership. We specific our honest condolences to the household and kinfolk of our colleague Antanas.

2024-05-27 09:41:17

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