The White House named details of possible sanctions against Russia | News from Germany on world events | Dw

by time news

Russia will be subject to tough economic sanctions from Washington if it invades Ukraine. Representatives of the administration of Joseph Biden announced this on condition of anonymity during a telephone briefing for journalists organized by the White House on Saturday, January 8. It took place on the eve of the talks between Russia and the United States on security issues in Geneva.

As noted by the AP agency, in addition to direct sanctions against Russian legal entities, serious restrictions may be imposed on products exported from the United States to the Russian Federation, as well as on foreign-made goods falling under the jurisdiction of the United States.

On a par with Cuba and the DPRK

Thus, Russia can be included by the United States in the group of countries with the most stringent restrictions on export controls. The list already includes Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria, officials said.

In addition, a high-ranking representative of the American administration clarified that at the talks in Switzerland, Washington intends to discuss not only the issues raised by Moscow, but also security problems that were not included in the Russian proposals. So, we can talk, in particular, about the invasion of the territory of third states, interference in elections, the use of chemical weapons, violation of treaties on the proliferation of weapons. “Any serious conversation with Russia about European security will have to include these problems,” the official said.

Negotiations between the United States and the Russian Federation

Russia and the United States are expected to hold talks on Ukraine and arms control in Geneva on January 10.

The meeting of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) at the level of ambassadors will take place on January 12. This was confirmed on January 4 in the press service of the North Atlantic Alliance.

A meeting in the format of the Russian Federation – Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is scheduled for January 13.

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