The WHO warns that the world “is not prepared” to face new pandemics

by time news

2024-02-14 08:57:44

Updated Wednesday, February 14, 2024 – 09:57

The director general of the World Health Organization (OMS), the doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesuswarned this Monday that the world “not ready yet” to face new pandemics that will arrive, which is why he demands that an “agreement on pandemics” be made effective.

This was made clear in his speech given at the World Government Summitheld this week in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), under the theme ‘Shaping the governments of the future’.

“It is possible, or even likely, that we will face another pandemic in our lifetime. We cannot know how mild or severe it will be, but we can be prepared. Are we ready now? Not yet. So, the agreement on pandemics is fundamental for humanity“, he explained during his speech ‘A pact with the future: why the Pandemic Agreement is fundamental for Humanity.’

He added that “there will be another disease pandemic”. He even stressed that, if the pandemic “arrived tomorrow, we would face many of the same problems we faced with covid-19“.

The so-called agreement on pandemics, which has not yet been finalized, according to the definition of the director general of the WHO, is a “pact with the future”, to “not expose the generations that follow us to the same suffering that we endure.” He emphasized that “if the agreement had been in place before the Covid-19 pandemic, we would not have lost so much.”


For this reason, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus assured that “now is the time for leaders at the highest levels of government to deliver the agreement on pandemics to the World Health Assembly in 15 weeks.”

“The agreement on the pandemic will not give the WHO any power over any State or over any individual“he insisted, in the face of accusations from certain sectors that see this pact as a potential threat against the integrity of the countries.

According to the Organization, the experience lived in 2020 and subsequent years leaves many lessons for Humanity. “As a generation that lived through Covid-19, we have a collective responsibility to protect future generations from the suffering we endure,” he said. He also recalled how the pandemic “inflicted enormous losses” on communities, countries, companies and economies.

“These losses must not be in vain and must not be repeated”he said, after expressing his wish as the top leader of world health: “May history write that we lived up to that responsibility and made the world a healthier, safer and fairer place.”

Thus, the WHO stressed that the agreement on pandemics is a commitment to national security, because “pathogens do not take into account the lines that humans draw on maps, nor the color of our politics, the size of our economies or the strength of our armed forces”.

“We are one humanity, the same species, sharing the same DNA and the same planet. We have no future other than a common future: common threats demand a common response. That is why this agreement on pandemics is so important,” he stressed to the main world leaders.

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