by time news

2023-11-27 20:35:26


Leticia Izrego is immersed in a project that combines conceptual art and activism. In her work, Leticia takes on the role of “drapera,” a familiar profession, in order to examine and critique the current realities of neoliberalism and its impact on rural communities. Currently, she is working on creating a costume that integrates elements representative of her ancestors, both male and female.

His artistic project consists of traveling through various towns, following the traditional drapery routes. During this trip, he uses cloths inherited from his grandparents, which he finds himself intervening artistically, transforming the street sale into a traveling exhibition. At each destination, she will perform songs that she has composed that tell the history of this trade and reflect on current threats, such as the open pit mines in the Corneja Valley. The work is a direct criticism of neoliberal policies and seeks to promote awareness about the importance of protecting both the social and environmental fabric of rural areas. This interactive experience promotes a sense of community and collective resistance, creating a space for dialogue and reflection on identity, gender, historical memory, environmental and social activism.

Apart from her artistic side, Leticia is a cultural manager and co-leads, together with Rodrigo Rodriguez, the artistic space “El Telart” in Santa María del Berrocal, Ávila. This initiative of workshops and artistic residencies not only promotes artistic creation, but also seeks to revitalize
rural areas by combining art and community engagement.

In the field of international cooperation, this November Leticia is currently in Ethiopia leading the workshop “Living arts and decolonial feminism: from ecofeminism” in Addis Ababa, a project that she has been carrying out since 2021 with Spanish Cooperation (AECID) and the Program ABOUT Training for Development in the Cultural Sector.

Additionally, she is a researcher at the International Seminar on Contemporary History of Human Rights at the University of Salamanca (USAL), where she carries out studies on censorship in self-harm performances. Recently, he organized the round table “Pushing Limits: The Journey of Censorship in the Extreme Performances” that brought together some of the most prominent speakers in extreme performance such as Amelia Jones, Lois Keidan, Rocio Boliver, Antoine Pickels, Ron Athey and Dominic Johnson in the Perfocilinne event organized by Ignacio Galilea at the Artpotheek gallery in Brussels.

Photography by Michel Christelbach.

#WORKSPACE #LETICIA #IZREGO #artist #manager

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