The world of Catalan culture and literature is mourning the death of linguist Carme Junyent

by time news

2023-09-03 13:23:18

The world of Catalan culture and letters is in mourning for the death of the linguist and defender of the Catalan language, Carme Junyent, at the age of 68. His death has caused expressions of condolence and gratitude from a large part of the institutions dedicated to the promotion and defense of Catalan, as well as publishers, writers and journalists in this language. In addition, institutions and parties also wanted to pay their respects to the linguist, with thanks from the highest authorities in the country, the president of the Generalitat and the president of the Parliament, Peter Aragonés i anna errarespectively, as well as the Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta, and the Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga.

of the Institution of Catalan Letters have lamented her death and have assured that it is “a great loss”, while the Institute of Catalan Studies has emphasized that her voice is “irreplaceable”: “a free woman, of firm convictions and of incorruptible loyalty to the Catalan language and culture”. “An opinionated and free woman. A woman. A great loss,” said Izaskun Arretxe, director of the ILC.

Also the former Minister of Culture Mariàngela Vilallonga he highlighted the figure of Junyent, who he emphasized was “brave, determined and incorruptible”. “He died in Catalan. Admiration and respect,” he said.

He Koine Group has mourned the death of “the wise, fighter and reference linguist” Carme Junyent and has made the “struggle for the maintenance of linguistic diversity and to be able to live and die fully in Catalan” their own. For its part, the Association of Publishers in the Catalan Language has expressed its condolences for the death of a “great linguist and defender of the Catalan language”.

The editor and coordinator of the Catalonia’s national book and reading plan, Montse Ayats, has assured that she will be greatly missed but has celebrated the “learnings” she has learned and thanked her for being able to work together, while the member of the Koiné Group Àngels Folch has emphasized that she was “a wise woman , brave and free” and has guaranteed that he will follow “his advice”. The writer Tina Vallès has also regretted her passing, but emphasized that she was “combative until the last day”.

In turn, the journalist Xavier Graset was “moved” by her death and highlighted her “wisdom and voice of warning”, while Empar Moliner claimed to have learned “a lot” from her, and regretted loss “Carme Junyent, who gave us so many lessons. May she be in heaven,” wrote Antoni Bassas. For his part, comedian and writer Òscar Andreu thanked him for his work and wanted to show him “eternal respect”.

Political reactions

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has lamented the death of Junyent and has defined her as “a wise and tenacious fighter in the defense and promotion of the language”. “Her work and commitment to Catalan are her legacy, we will always have her as a point of reference,” he assured.

The Minister of Culture also wanted to highlight her commitment, which she believes has made many people “aware” of the importance of maintaining the language. For her part, the Minister of Education, Anna Simó, has stated that she “can never be thanked enough” for agreeing to chair the Linguistic Council for Education and for her dedication to language research and dissemination.

In turn, the president of the Parliament, Anna Erra, has stressed that she will miss “his mastery and freedom”. “His voice has gone out, but his work and words have remained firmly attached and will continue to guide us in the defense of Catalan. Eternal gratitude,” he said.

The Minister of Culture and president of the PSC, Miquel Iceta, who also mourned Junyent’s death, wished him that “the earth will be easy on him”.

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont has emphasized that “the legacy and memory he leaves are immense and will last”. “May a woman rest in peace who with her example encouraged us all, for the language, the life, the country”, he wrote.

Junts also echoed the news of Junyent’s death, and the president of the party and former Minister of Culture, Laura Borràs, was “shocked” by who was “a colleague from the faculty and department and a friend “, and praised its “courage” and the “denouncement of political imposture in the use of Catalan”. The general secretary of the party, Jordi Turull, said that “the country and the language are always in debt” to Junyent and recalled the letters “so full of commitment” that the linguist wrote to him while he was in prison.

For his part, the president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, thanked Junyent for all his work and pointed out that his death coincides with the anniversaries of the deaths of the rector of Vallfogona and Aurora Bertrana. “Any culture will always be indebted to this kind of intellectual references,” he said.

Sovereignty organizations have mourned the death of the linguist and Òmnium has defined her as a “tireless fighter for the defense of the Catalan language and all the minority languages ​​of the world”. “His legacy and convictions will always accompany us,” they said. The president of the ANC, Dolors Feliu, highlighted his “magnificent academic and personal career for the life and against the death of languages”.

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