The worst university degrees: the ones that generate the most regrets

by time news

“If you went back to university today, would you choose the same major?” LinkedIn has launched this question to its Spanish users who are currently looking for a job and has verified that, of the 3,190 who have given their opinion, 38% of them today would opt for studies other than those studied.

The degree of regret is below that registered by the US job mediation portal Zip Recruiter, promoter of the initial survey. According to this survey, the number of job seekers who today would prefer to have studied another career is 44%. Their responses show that the most ‘repudiated’ careers are communication sciences, sociology, fine arts, teaching, marketing, nursing assistant, political science, biology and English language arts.

Although some experts say that the value of a bachelor’s degree is disappearing, respondents do not detract from the value of a college education. They are convinced that, as a general rule, it offers greater possibilities of job placement and remuneration, but they recognize that within the training possibilities offered by the University they made their choice for reasons more related to vocation than to remuneration or job stability. , aspects to which they would pay more attention if they returned to the classroom.

Obeying this new criterion, they would enroll in careers linked to science, technology or mathematics. In fact, they would mostly opt for computer engineering or business administration and management.

On the other hand, the most ‘confirmed’ among those who, despite carrying them out, seek employment are computer engineering, criminology, engineering, nursing, social services, business management and administration, economics, psychology and human resources.

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