The youth associations of A Estrada take the reins to organize the XFest

by time news

18 abr 2022 . Updated at 05:00.

Like every year, A Estrada will host the XFest during its festivities, an event organized for the youth of Estrada in which all kinds of activities are held, such as graffiti, concerts, video games or parkour. The great novelty in this edition is that the organization will be in charge of the different youth associations of the council, which will manage all the aspects to start up the project.

Although from Ocionautas they will advise the young people in what they need, they will not be part of the organization. Participating in this XFest 2.0 are Pesadelos, Imaxina Axuda and The Blank Space, who will be in charge of management, marketing and sales. These days they will begin to walk the streets in search of sponsors and funds for the celebration of an event that has the collaboration of the City Council of A Estrada.

Although the activities and workshops that will take place at the XFest are unknown, if the date of the event has been disclosed, it will be at the San Paio festivities, specifically on Sunday, June 26. Attendance and participation in the festival is free, open to all audiences.

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