The Youth Collective for the Fatherland makes proposals to – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-10 21:28:19

The Youth Collective for the Fatherland makes proposals to the FEG

September 10, 2023

The unemployment rate in Gabon is around 42% and youth represent 70% of the population. Aware of the situation, the Youth Collective for the Fatherland (CJP) through Cathicia Singui Akaye, Advisor in charge of entrepreneurship and the promotion of youth employment, through a question-and-answer game, makes proposals to the Gabon Business Federation. Like the CDES in Senegal and the Medef in France, the CJP wants the FEG to have a look at young entrepreneurs.


1°) – How can we boost youth entrepreneurship?

1.1 – Young people who are supported in entrepreneurship should be better selected in order to know if they are suitable for entrepreneurship in the sectors they have chosen

1.2 – The first training module for young entrepreneurs must be mental programming (Mindset)

1.3 – Emphasis must be placed on projects with an innovative economic model, which calls on Science, Innovation and Technologies

1.4 – The selection and analysis committees for projects to be financed must be composed of multi-sector profiles and above all specialized in the sector of activity of the project

1.5 – Focus on entrepreneurship in the digital age

2°) – How can we make youth entrepreneurship prosper?

2.1 – Prosperity is mainly linked to two things:

– The economic model of the business which must be profitable

– The establishment of a partnership framework which would allow companies (VSE/STARTUPS and SMEs) to contract up to 30% of markets with large companies.

3°) – How can we expand the scope of incubator businesses of the Gabon Business Federation (FEG)?

3.1 – We can do this, relying on industry 4.0 which uses technologies to boost productivity in order to increase turnover.

3.2 – The insertion of (digital) technology could open the sub-regional market to these companies.

4°) – Proposals for activities that would contribute to the influence of the Gabon Business Federation (FEG)?

The influence of the Gabon Business Federation (FEG) could also be achieved through the organization of events linked to traininginformation on new professions and the professions of the future (Universities, Grandes écoles, High schools and Colleges).

4. 1 – Create a research and development unit within the Gabon Business Federation (FEG) which integrates technological monitoring and economic intelligence to support business strategy.

4. 2 – Organize events to reward companies that use technologies and innovation in their activities.

4. 3 – Organize thematic groups on how technologies impact and/or change the way of doing business and working.

For the Youth Collective for the Fatherland (CJP)


Advisor in charge of entrepreneurship and the promotion of youth employment.

#Youth #Collective #Fatherland #proposals #Gabonews

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