The Youth Orchestra of the Girona Regions, 15 years celebrated with a symphony

by time news

2023-07-21 19:52:12

The Youth Orchestra of the Girona Regions (JOCG) blows out candles and celebrates his 15th anniversary tomorrow at 8 pm, in the Girona Auditorium. The concert will consist of an interpretation of the Alpine Symphony by Richard Straussunder the direction ofElizabeth Rubio.

A total of 100 young people, of which 24 they are from the regions of Girona, 51 from the rest of Catalonia and 25 from other parts of the state, will be the ones to take the stage. But they were up to 350 young people who wanted to participate. “The success of the call and the large number of applications received demonstrate the quality of the proposal, this supposes a lot good opportunity», wanted to emphasize the artistic director of the JOCG, Jaume Leixà.

The Sons del Món de Roses festival starts this Friday with more than 15,000 tickets sold

L’pedagogical stay of the orchestra started last Monday and on Wednesday the young people started the essays with the director. One was made this morning essay open to the public at the Girona Auditorium, as part of the Notes in the Park cycle, by theGirona City Council.

The JOCG began its activity in 2008 as a project pedagogical and is a determined bet of future which offers to students of music of the Girona counties and other demarcations the opportunity of working in a high-level orchestra, with directors and prestigious teachers. The project also has the support of the Diputació de Girona and the company Hyperwhich collaborates by financing scholarships.

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