The youth who set fire to the school for his future wife; The reason told the police!

by time news

Because his future wife will fail in the exam, he has set fire to the school where he is studying.

The incident took place in Gharbia province in Egypt.

In Egypt, the police have arrested a young man who set fire to the school where his fiancée studies near Cairo.

The 21-year-old suspect reportedly told the police that he did so out of fear that his fiancee, who is also studying at the school, would have to return to the same class for another year, thus delaying his marriage.

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It is not known if her fiance asked her to do it, but she burned down the school after it became clear that the girl would fail the exam. The incident took place in Gharbia province in Egypt.

Fortunately, no one was injured or killed in the fire, but thousands of dollars worth of property was reportedly damaged.

After setting fire to the building, the man fled the scene. However, he was arrested after locals who saw him near the school informed the police.

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