There is no censorship under any circumstances, says magistrate – 12/01/2023 – Brazil

by time news

2023-12-01 17:11:00

The president of the STF (Supreme Federal Court of Brazil), Luís Roberto Barroso, said that the Court did not make any decision that limits freedom of expression in relation to the press.

The statement came a day after the Court approved a thesis that contemplates the possibility of holding civilly liable journalistic companies that publish interviews that falsely attribute a crime to third parties.

Barroso said that the Supreme Court reaffirms its commitment to freedom of expression, “which is not the only value that should prevail in a civilized society.”

“There is no censorship under any circumstances; any person, including legal entities, can eventually be held responsible for malicious behavior, bad faith or gross negligence,” he stated.

He added that the Court considers that freedom of expression is essential for democracy and reiterated the express prohibition of any type of prior censorship of the press.

“The press is one of the foundations of democracy and has one of its main guardians in the Supreme Court. We have accepted dozens of complaints to ensure freedom of the press and freedom of expression.”

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