There will be a Market on 12 this Easter Sunday 2024-03-24 11:00:00

by time news

Gloria Duque, from the El Poblado Cultural Network Corporation, defines the Ecotourism Market on Calle 12, an activity that they manage and organize autonomously, as “a monthly space of visibility for the collaborative, creative and solidarity economy, in the center of Manila, a cultural, touristic and art-filled neighborhood.”

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And it has been since the beginning of 2022, when, accepting a call from the Ministry of Economic Development, they proposed the 12 Market as a mechanism to reactivate the local economy and its ventures. “It was the first and only time we received financial support to organize it. As for the rest, the other 22 editions that we carried out, including this month’s, have been managed by us as a corporation.”

The Cultural Network of El Poblado will celebrate 10 years as a corporation in June.

He happily describes the evolution of the event. “For the first Market, we had to look for entrepreneurs, almost begging them to participate. People didn’t believe. Now it is very different, they look for us, they receive referrals from other entrepreneurs happy with the results. “We try to give space to everyone.”

$30 thousand is the symbolic contribution of each exhibitor to the organization of the Market

The Market takes place, dutifully, on the last Sunday of each month. For this purpose, a block is closed on the road that gives its name to the contest, between races 43D and 43E. Sales begin at 11 in the morning and last until 7:00 at night, although beforehand, from 6:00 am, the exhibitors prepare their tables, plank type, under a tented corridor.

On Manila’s vibrant 12th Street, between 43D and 43E, surrounded by a great cultural and festive atmosphere, this monthly event with entrepreneurship has been taking place for almost two years. Tourists, local visitors and residents take advantage of this space, provided by the El Poblado Cultural Network.

There is no disorder or stridency. Nobody wants them or looks for them because some talk about their nascent businesses and others are interested in the stories behind them. The tourist goes for something beautiful that reminds them of their stay in Medellín. The local resident and visitor find color in a different Sunday. For a few hours, everyone wins.

2024-03-24 11:00:00

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