These are the most common work accidents according to the IMSS

by time news
  • Most accidents at work are caused by lack of training and information.
  • These types of incidents are more common in men than in women.
  • Within the health field, workers are exposed to falls, infections and other adverse events.

Prevention is a fundamental part of life and should be applied in all settings. In fact, according to the company ProMedic, in the last two years, more than 392,000 cases of Work accidents. Although some are not serious, the important thing is to do everything possible so that this type of event does not happen.

Most common work accidents

In this sense, the construction sector is considered the one with the highest risk due to the activities it entails. For this reason, its elements are exposed to falls, affections due to chemical substances, work from heights, excavations and inappropriate maintenance of the equipment.

In second place are the incidents in self-service and department stores with 24,043 records. This triggers a growth in work absenteeism and lack of productivity within companies, which greatly affects employee satisfaction and the work environment.

The risk faced by healthcare professionals cannot be overlooked either. Especially from the beginning of the pandemic, the importance of the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to reduce risks in the face of possible infections.

Although more and more companies have chosen to implement preventive actions and promote an optimal safety culture, there are still lags in the matter. In fact, many of the situations that generate them are the dangerous conditions to which workers are exposed.

According to the statistical reports of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the most recurrent work accidents are those that have to do with injuries or fractures to the wrist, hand, ankle, foot, head and neck. They are also more frequent in men between the ages of 25 and 29, registering more than 51,092 cases between 2020-2021.

Tips to prevent and avoid accidents at work

Most of these accidents occur due to lack of training and information. It is extremely important that employers understand the direct relationship that must exist between a healthy and productive employee versus cost savings and having a more competitive company.

With this in mind, it is necessary to implement the following actions within your work environment to prevent work accidents.

  • Carry out risk assessment and control to avoid damage or adverse effects on the health of the employee.
  • Create prevention programs in which the right people receive adequate training.
  • Maintain cleanliness and order throughout the place, to avoid accidents due to falling dangerous objects.
  • Use protective equipment such as: equipment such as ear plugs, hard hats, safety glasses, ear muffs, gloves, or a full face mask to prevent injury.
  • Signpost and accurately indicate dangerous areas.
  • Carry out occupational medical evaluations to obtain an employee health diagnosis. This helps to detect in time any affectation in health due to work activities.

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