these could be the consequences

by time news

The entry of the month of February has brought back to our country a meteorological phenomenon that is well known to us: the haze. Barely a year ago this suspended dust stained the Peninsula an orange color for several days and, as predicted by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet)soon we could experience something similar in some parts of southern Spain.

Since the beginning of this week, the Canary Islands have been affected by the arrival of this cloud of dust, which will worsen air quality throughout the weekend, also on the Peninsula. According to the organization’s spokesman, Rubén del Campo, “the presence of a DANA between the Canary Islands and the Peninsula” will inject wind from North Africa, bringing again saharan octopus to the Spanish coasts.

The south of the Iberian Peninsula will be, together with the Canary Islands, the one that suffers the most from the effects of this hazy environment, especially Ceuta y Melilla and including the Region of Murcia and part of Andalusia.

What is the haze?

Haze occurs when the air is flooded with very small solid particles in suspensionwhich usually contain dust, sand, ashes or clay. This presence tends to cloud the environment, giving it a yellowish and orange coloration and making it difficult to see and, above all, to breathe.

In fact, prolonged exposure to this weather phenomenon can be harmful to healthas it favors the dryness of the respiratory tract.

But what effects can the haze have on the health of the citizens who are exposed to this cloud of dust? This is how these particles can affect us.

Consequences of the haze on health

Although the haze is not toxic by itself, the accumulation of these particles in the respiratory system can have harmful consequences for our health, caused by the inhalation of poor quality air. This suspended dust can cause dry airways and even aggravate the problems of patients with allergies, asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or any other type of respiratory disease.

Depending on the type of particles that are in the air —pollution, ash, sand, dust, etc.—, these can be more or less dangerous. In this case, for example, those of the Sahara can favor the concentration of polluting products in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

Among the most common symptoms of haze inhalation are some such as dyspnoea (breathing difficulty), eye, nose or mouth irritation y asmaamong other.

This is what you should do to protect yourself from the calima

If we want to avoid any type of problem these days related to the haze, it is important to follow a series of measures marked for these alert situations that cause health problems.

Thus, the authorities recommend that the doors and windows of the house be closed and that people avoid going outside in case of suffering from chronic respiratory diseases and, if necessary, always do so with a mask.

In addition, it is important to drink a lot of fluids, not to do severe sports outdoors and to avoid any type of dry environment that could aggravate these consequences.

  • Close doors and windows

  • Use the mask to go outside

  • Do not go outside in case of chronic respiratory diseases

  • Do not perform severe physical exercise outdoors

  • Take extra precautions on the road

  • Drink much liquid

  • Avoid dry environments

The poor visibility situation It is also a point to take into account, since the opaque environment that is generated can reduce our ability to react on the road. Therefore, it will be necessary exercise caution while drivingturning on your lights and slowing down to avoid trouble.

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