They are looking for funding for a metal album about Catalan mythology

by time news

2023-09-22 13:05:21

The Forge group seek funding for put forward an ambitious metal concept album in Catalan. The band has launched a micro-patronage campaign on Verkami to fund their second album, forgotten worldconceived as a journey of personal self-discovery through Catalan mythology.

Characters such as Count Arnau, the spinner or the mother of the forest appear in the different songs of the work of this formation that eit is proposed to “revalue the Catalan language and culture” from a new perspective, explains violinist Mireia Puigmal from Emporda.

The interpreter of Vilafant, who has grown up between metal and classical musicpoints out that the album suggests a change in the musical style of the formation, which he has performed in countries such as France, Switzerland and Slovenia “without giving up the language”.

Of this change of style respect on his first album, The book of feytsyou can already hear a first taste of it in the song the name of the wind that Forja published last year. The definitive consolidation will be in this disc in which “they have aimed very high in terms of composition”, using resources from classical music and jazz for some “musically very elaborate” topics with which they want to contribute to “to grow interest in metal music”, which “still has a long way to go in our country”.

The intention of the formation is to record the album in Barcelona and, from November, work on mixing in the Netherlands with Joost Van Der Broek, known for his work with reference groups such as Epica. Mastering would be done by Tony Lindren of Fascination Street Studios, in Sweden.

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