They create a biodegradable lubricating grease

by time news

2023-09-19 18:15:16

Researchers have developed a new biodegradable lubricating grease formula.

In recent years, lubricant losses released into the environment have become a serious environmental problem. Taking into account that lubricating greases are made up mostly of non-biodegradable mineral oils and metallic soaps, there is widespread concern in the sector about replacing these components with other biodegradable ones in a short period of time. This is why the number of public and private initiatives that promote the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable ones and the reduction of the environmental impact of waste from industrial processes is increasing.

The new chemical advance consists of a multipurpose grease that is one hundred percent biodegradable and can be used in everything that involves lubrication of moving parts and engines. In this way, renewable raw materials were used to reduce the environmental impact of waste from industrial processes.

The development of this fat is the result of public-private coordination between the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FIQ) of the National University of the Litoral and the company Andes SA, in Argentina.

The initiative, titled “Development and pilot scaling of new formulations of biodegradable lubricating greases,” is directed by Juan Carlos Yori, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and director of the Program for the Valorization, Development and Scaling of Agroindustrial Processes (PROVADE, FIQ). -UNL)

The great challenge of this research has resided in the use of renewable raw materials as a basis for the sustainable development of environmentally friendly thickeners that can be used in the manufacture of fully biodegradable lubricating greases.

In line with the growing demand of society and authorities, the company Andes SA sought to address in this project the development of new formulations of partially and fully biodegradable, environmentally acceptable fats.

“The general objective was to produce more environmentally friendly lubricating greases from plant raw materials existing in the region,” said Yori and added: “We sought to develop a partially biodegradable universal use grease, replacing mineral oil with a vegetable oil. in existing formulations that use lithium soaps, maximizing the biodegradability of the product. Likewise, we sought to develop a completely biodegradable grease but using calcium soaps and compatible additives.”

José Molli (left) and Juan Carlos Yori. (Photo: National University of the Litoral / Argentina Investiga)

Lubricants from renewable raw materials

Andes SA is a company that is fundamentally dedicated to the manufacturing, recovery of used lubricating oils and the production of lubricating greases, which are all derived from petroleum, that is, a non-renewable source. Currently, as Yori explains to Argentina Investiga, “there is an important demand within the domestic market, driven mainly by foreign companies that work in Vaca Muerta. Added to this is the issue of lithium development and the use of biodegradable or totally biodegradable inputs.” With this perspective, the company contacted the National University of the Litoral to see how some joint development could be carried out. From there, “what was done was to develop a grease that is 100% biodegradable, a multipurpose grease, to be used in everything that involves lubrication of moving parts, engines, etc.,” explained the researcher.

In this development, completely biodegradable inputs were used.

From PROVADE, a formula was developed on a laboratory scale (know-how) and, subsequently, a formula for application in the company where the scaling was done. With the project concluded, the company carried out tests of the formula in the plant, “everything went very well, all the times agreed with the company were respected and, the truth is, for us it is a source of pride,” said Yori.

In reference to the finished product, José Molli, teacher-researcher at the FIQ, expressed: “There are more than 40 reactions under different conditions until we reach the one that can be viable. Even long before starting to react, it is necessary to have done the work of searching, studying, seeing possibilities, discussing, in order for there to begin to be a reaction. This is the result of work, a lot of work, there is no miracle.”

From 100 years to 28 days

The raw materials used today are oils and fats derived from petroleum. What happens if there is a spill on land or in water? This takes the ecosystem around 100 years to degrade or remedy. With this new fully biodegradable formula, this enormous time is reduced to just 28 days. Here lies, fundamentally, the global trend towards this type of products. In Argentina there is still no legislation that requires the use of this type of biodegradable fats, that is, those derived from petroleum can still continue to be marketed. However, multinational companies that are based in our country bring quality standards from their countries of origin, and their internal audits force them to use environmentally friendly products that are not in the Argentine market.

Thanks to this development born at the public university, a company from Santa Fe could also become the first to bring a fully biodegradable lubricating grease to the market.

“The potential is very great. It is an SME that partners with a university to assist in the development of an innovative product, with a synergy that is essential to highlight. This company alone cannot do this development, because it does not have the necessary resources or investment. But they saw the opportunity, they contacted us and we also added the provincial State that generates a tool that makes it possible,” Yori described. (Source: Argentina Investiga / National University of the Litoral)

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