They develop a new method to generate human cartilage

by time news

2024-04-10 19:03:00

Researchers at the University of Montana and their partners have induced stem cells to become the type of cell that normally forms human craniofacial cartilage. Stem cells can replicate and also become different types of cells.

Organoids are a simplified, miniature version of an organ that mimics the architecture and genetic expression of the organ. The researchers studied gene expression data at the RNA and protein level to reveal how cartilage cells arise from stem cells. They revealed that stem cells communicate in the early stages to become elastic cartilage, which forms human ears.

To achieve this, the team used extensive biomarker analysis and machine learning pattern recognition techniques to understand the cell signaling pathways involved when cells differentiate into cartilage.

It is difficult to reconstruct natural features such as a person’s ears, nose or voice box with current plastic surgery techniques, and transplanted tissue is often rejected without immunosuppressants.

The research was published in the journal iScience.

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