They discover a new section of Roman road in the Spanish city of Carmona

by time news

2023-09-08 16:15:12

In some archaeological excavations carried out in the south of Spain, a new section of the Roman road has been discovered that could be the road that linked the cities of Carmo (today called Carmona) and Híspalis (today called Seville), more than two thousand years ago. years.

The discovery was made by the faculty and students of the Pablo de Olavide University (UPO) Summer Course “Field Archaeology”, which took place in Carmona between July 31 and August 25.

The course was led by Ricardo Lineros, head of service of the Carmona City Council Heritage Delegation and director of the City Museum, and archaeologist Juan Manuel Román.

The people participating in the course have found the pavement of the aforementioned road, built on three superimposed levels of mortar, albero and lime, as well as other materials, mainly ceramics from Roman times.

The excavations have been carried out inside the enclosure of the Archaeological Complex of the Necropolis, through which part of the road runs.

The first remains of this road were already found by the English archaeologist Jorge Bonsor at the end of the 19th century, which was interpreted as part of what is known as ‘Via Hispalis’, the axis of communication between the two cities, which had a special role at the time. roman.

Excavation in the Carmona Necropolis. (Photo: Pablo de Olavide University)

This UPO Summer Course allows practical training in a real excavation, as well as contributing to clarify the construction of this Roman road, its origin and functions and thus increasing historical and heritage knowledge about Carmona.

Its main objective is that students can learn on the ground all the aspects that an archeology professional has to face when carrying out an excavation. In this way, the training sessions are organized through practical sessions of archaeological excavations in the area of ​​the Roman Necropolis, supported by theoretical sessions in which methodological issues and aspects related to the management of excavations, such as legislation or the necessary administrative documentation. (Source: Pablo de Olavide University)

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