They find for the first time a poem by Virgil in the remains of a Roman oil amphora

by time news

2023-06-20 10:59:30

Updated Tuesday, June 20, 2023 – 10:59

Never before had verses by the author of the Aeneid been documented in an amphora destined for the oil trade.

A Roman amphora in a file image.Jos Manuel VidalEFE

a fragment of a poem by Virgil It has appeared for the first time in an oil amphora dated 1,800 years ago. The amphora was found during archaeological surveys carried out in the municipality of Hornachuelos (Córdoba). It measures six centimeters wide and eight long and the exceptionality of the piece lies in the fact that verses by the author of the Aeneid had never been documented before in an amphora destined for the oil trade.

This is stated in a note by the University of Córdoba, which stresses that at first, the research team of the ‘Oleastro’ project, from the universities of Córdoba, Seville and Montpellier (France) were not surprised to receive the fragment of the hand of Francisco Adame, a resident of the village of Ochavilloin the municipality of Fuente Palmera (Córdoba), the person who noticed the piece of amphora when he was walking through the area of ​​the Tamujar stream, in an area very close to the village of Villaln, also in Fuente Palmera.

The research team was not surprised because, in fact, they appear words printed on the amphorae and it is these printed data, such as producers, quantities or control, that have allowed archeology to recompose the history of agricultural trade in the Roman Empire. But when checking the literalness of the text, the researchers discovered that it was dealing with something unusual, a text of Virgil written in the lower area of ​​the amphora, probably with no intention for anyone to notice them, just as a sample of the knowledge and culture of the person who did it, which shows a certain degree of literacy in a rural area like this one. area of ​​the vega of the Guadalquivir.

This is the hypothesis of the authors of the work published by the ‘Journal of Roman Archaeology’, of the University of Cambridge, in which Ivn González Tobar, PhD from the University of Córdoba, and also Juan de la Cierva appear as the main investigator. researcher at the University of Barcelona and hired by the University of Montpellier at the time of the discovery. The inscription corresponds to the seventh and eighth verses of the first book of the Gergics, a poem by Virgil dedicated to agriculture and life in the countryside written in 29 BC.

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