They granted more than 15,000 million pesos in loans for microentrepreneurs

by time news

2023-09-24 22:18:30

The Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development reported today that more than 15,000 million pesos in loans for microentrepreneurs have already been granted, after launching the new financing line for microenterprises of the Argentine Credit (CreAr) program.

In a statement, the industrial portfolio detailed that “this line of loans is now available in public and private banks throughout the country, to accompany productive investments by monotributistas.

The Secretary of Industry and Productive Development of the Nation, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, said that “this new line of credits is part of the latest measures implemented by Minister Sergio Massa and that aim to compensate for the impact of the devaluation that imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with concrete measures for workers, SMEs and monotributistas”. The official expressed that “this is also part of the spirit with which we launched CreAr and that aims to guarantee financing for the entire productive life cycle, whether it is a large company or a microenterprise that is beginning to take its first steps.”

For his part, the undersecretary of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Nation, Tomás Canosa, stated that “the line for monotributistas is already in force in public and private banks, with a strong investment from the national State to accompany, for example, a plumber so he can buy tools to an accountant who needs to buy a computer to work. We continue adding banks from all over the country so that everyone can access these loans more quickly.”

The CreAr loan line for productive microenterprises allocates monotributistas throughout the country up to 6 million pesos per credit – depending on the category – to finance the purchase of equipment, tools and other productive needs.

The loans are aimed at all categories of monotributistas, they will have a term of 24 months with a fixed rate throughout the credit and a bonus of 60 points from the Argentine Guarantee Fund (FONDEP). In addition, they have 100% backing from the Argentine Guarantee Fund (FOGAR), which implies that the loans will not be evaluated by financial entities.

The total amount of the CreAr Productive Microempresas line is 180,000 million pesos.

The minimum amount that can be accessed per credit is $50,000 and the maximum varies depending on the monotax category (up to $1,200,000 for categories A and B, up to $2,000,000 for C, D and E and up to $4,000,000 for F onwards). In addition, the loan can be extended by 50% to companies with a positive FOGAR history.

To apply for the credit, monotributistas must request the loan from the corresponding bank and specify the intended amount; Through a sworn statement, certify that the money will be used in investments that are related to your economic activity and will not exceed “situation 2” in the Central Bank’s Debtors Center.

Public and private banks throughout the country have already joined the line, in some cases with the possibility of requesting credit online, in the banking entities of each taxpayer.

More than 7,000 operations have already been carried out in banks Nación, Credicoop, Banco de Corrientes, Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Banco de La Pampa and private banks such as BBVA and Santander. The BNA granted loans for more than $7,000 million. The loans granted were for monotributistas linked to industry, agribusiness and businesses.

The call for productive microenterprises that want to access credit will be valid until November 30, 2023 and is now also available at the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Banco de Córdoba and Banco Municipal de Rosario and will soon also be operational in Banco de Chubut, Banco de Entre Ríos, Banco de Formosa, Banco Industrial, Banco de Neuquén, Banco Patagonia, Banco Rioja, Nuevo Banco de Santa Fe, Banco de Santa Cruz, Banco de Tierra del Fuego, Banco San Juan and Comafi.

In addition, the line is in the process of being implemented in other banking entities.

Since its launch, CreAr granted loans to SMEs throughout the country. 62% was allocated to projects outside the AMBA, which allows the federalization of credit to be consolidated. In turn, the program promotes job creation and boosts exports, since 65% of the companies that received financing increased their employment and more than 20% exported their production in 2022.

This tool also seeks to guarantee financial inclusion through the granting of guarantees from the National State.

The program includes lines with public banks, such as BNA, Banco Argentino de Desarrollo BICE and provincial banks, private banks, direct loans from FONDEP, and lines

specially designed for MSMEs, medium and large companies, import substitution, strategic sectors, expansion of exports, or acquisition of capital goods through leasing, among others. (Telam)

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