They tried to sell “Mercedes-killer” at Avito | News | News

by time news

In Moscow, they tried to sell a black “Mercedes-killer”, material evidence of a criminal case on a fatal accident in the center of the capital in 2016, at Avito. Elvira Musaeva, the lawyer of the owner of Karen Gubasaryan’s car, gave details on September 30.

She said that the owner had been trying to pick up the car from the ATC parking lot since 2019, but the traffic police insisted that they had already returned the car to Gubasaryan, although he was in the United States all the time and was physically unable to pick up the car.

“By a court decision, the car was ordered to be returned. Several days before the trial, Gubasarian’s relatives found the car for sale on the Internet. They arrived at the place of the transaction and found that it was indeed Gubasaryan’s car, ”the lawyer said.

According to her, the seller had the originals of the vehicle registration certificate, previously attached to the criminal case. He also managed to get the keys to the car, the car itself and a certificate to it.

The lawyer noted that it is unclear how this could have happened, because, according to her, only law enforcement officers had access to the criminal case.

“The car was simply plundered. Most likely, it was sold for spare parts, ”said the lawyer.

As reported, the owner of “Mercedes” went to court to pay compensation, because the car could not be tracked in the traffic police parking lot.

On December 13, 2016, Alexander Lomov was driving the aforementioned “Mercedes” along Baumanskaya Street and at great speed knocked down a 27-year-old pedestrian, Yuri Karpov, to death. A public outcry was caused by the fact that after the accident, the video recording of the accident disappeared from the case materials. The owner of the car, Karen Gubasaryan, stated that he did not know the person who was driving. The case caused widespread publicity on social networks, many posts were published with the hashtag #Mersedesicidal.

In December 2016, Lomov was put on the wanted list. In July 2017, he was detained at Munich airport due to a fake passport. In August 2017, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation sent a request to the competent authorities of Germany for his extradition to Russia. The request was granted.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow sentenced Lomov to two years in a general regime penal colony, taking into account that the accused had two young children.

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