Third-party payment specialist Almerys hit by a cyberattack, five days after its competitor

by time news

2024-02-06 11:14:55

By Le Figaro with AFP

Published 2 hours ago, Updated now

Third-party payment specialists are targeted by a series of cyberattacks. Pungu x /

The company has “closed access” to its access portal to healthcare professionals, but its services are “operating normally”.

Is your personal data at risk? The third-party payment specialist Almerys was yesterday the victim of a cyberattack compromising the data security of its millions of policyholders. The attack comes only five days after its competitor Viamedis suffered the same setbacks. According to the information provided, the theft of usernames and passwords of “certain health professional customers of the service compromised their account and facilitated access” at the Almerys portal “dedicated to them”. Personal data of social security holders “were exposed as part of this intrusion”said Almerys, who could not specify the number of people concerned.

What leaked?

The data in question are the last name, first name, date of birth, order of birth (for twins), Social Security number, name of the health insurer, contract number of the insurer and a “Internal Reference”. Banking information, medical data, health reimbursement details, postal details, telephone numbers and email addresses “are in no way affected by this compromise”the company said.

Almerys a “closed access” of its access portal to health professionals, but with the exception of this portal, its “sservices are operating normally”. On Thursday, Viamedis, a competitor to Almerys and which manages third-party payment for 20 million social security holders, announced that it had been the victim of a cyberattack exposing data to intruders. “limited” of social security holders.

“Extreme vigilance”

Viamedis had also disconnected its management platform, without the third-party payment being interrupted for the social security policy holders concerned. Only certain professionals such as opticians and hearing aid specialists were impacted by the closure of the platform.

The majority union of opticians, the ROF (Rassemblement des opticiens de France), asked the two platforms “to do everything possible” to restore service as quickly as possible. “Given these two incidents in less than a week, the ROF also asks all health platforms for extreme vigilance and increased guarantees in terms of data security”he added.


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