This is how organ transplants have advanced in Mexico

by time news

2023-10-25 17:00:41

Although years ago it would seem incredible, Mexico has now positioned itself as one of the Latin American countries with the largest number of donated organs and transplants done. This advance is the result of the growing culture of organ donation.

Furthermore, there are laws, bodies, regulations and federal and state government agencies that ensure the health of the population and guarantee equitable, orderly and transparent access to organs for those who require it.

To save life against some diseases, transplants are the only alternative

For many people, a transplant is the only alternative to save life from diseases such as cirrhosisfulminant hepatitis, heart failure, liver cancer, diabetes mellitus, keractonus and kidney failure.

Mexico’s regulations regarding donation and transplants are one of the best in Latin America and provide certainty in the supervision, surveillance and health control mechanisms, in which the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks actively participates (Cofepris).

Some countries do not have legislation in this area.

This standard is continually modified to be updated in accordance with changes in science, technology and patient care. Mexico has provided technical, scientific and regulatory advice to countries such as Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, which lack legislation on donation and transplants.

In Mexico, of the total number of transplants performed in 2019, 57 percent were cornea; 39 percent kidney; 26 liver and 0.4 heart. From August 2020 to April 2021, 125 deceased donor kidney transplants and 429 living donor kidney transplants were carried out; liver, 39 from deceased donors versus eight from living donors; from the heart there have been 4; lung four and cornea 329.

Finally, it should be noted that Mexico has updated transplant protocols to guarantee the safety of each organ to be transplanted and prevent infectious diseases from the donor to the recipient. At the same time, the regulations require that each hospital count on preventive measures to avoid risks of contagion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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