This is how the teams arrive at the summer break

by time news

2023-08-08 20:40:39

On July 30, the first part of the season for all teams and drivers in the Big prize of Spawhere Verstappenagain, took the victoria both the sprint race and the conventional race on Sunday.

After twelve races runand with ten remaining for the end of the season, the teams analyze these vacation the results obtained based on the goals fixed in the month of February, when all factors for “jump on track“They were already prepared.

Many teams will have to reflect on the job done and how can improve it and, on the side of the “almightyRed Bullthey will be able to continue thinking about how to celebrate the rest of victories

The Italian team has been the most injured so far this season. With only three points achieved, hand in hand with Tsunoda in the Australian GP, ​​Baku and Spa, finishing in the from above position, the team had to make the decision to cesar he contract of your pilot Nyck de Vrieswhich was replaced by Daniel Ricciardo in the Big prize from Hungary.

Although great performances At key circuits of the season, the team of Valtteri Bottas y Guanyu Zhou only has nine points in his locker. Although the season started off illusionary for the Italian team, with an eighth place for Bottas in the first race of the season, have been seen surpassed by rivals direct as Haas or Williams during most of the circuits.

Alfa Romeo – Fuente: Twitter @alfaromeostake

The American team has given a jump considerable from last season to the present. By mid-season they have accumulated a total of eleven pointshowever they have left great flashes in those awards where the characteristics of the car matched perfectly with those of the circuit. The most memorable moment so far this season is, without a doubt, the second place achieved by Nico Hulkenberg in the wet classification of Canada.

tied at eleven points with the Haas team, Alexander Albon has become the real leader of the team, managing to fight for positions that, months ago, would seem impossible to achieve. On the other hand, the newcomer to the Formula 1, Logan Sargeant is having more difficulties when it comes to adapting to your car, effect which can be contrasted in the zero points that he has obtained during this first half of the season.

One of the most expected teams this year is having one of its worst beginnings seasonal. With 57 points obtained, in the sixth place from the grid, is 46 points behind fifth place, McLaren. And, taking into account the great rate of improvements that the English team is carrying out, seems very complicated that the French manage to turn the situation around. And it is that, his new duo of pilots, Gasly y Oconcount on see DNF so far in the race, with several double retirements in the same Big prize.

P3 Gasly Sprint Spa – Fuente: Twitter @AlpineF1Team

Without a doubt, and with the permission of Aston Martin, McLaren is being, for the moment, the team that has given a jump largest in the same season. They started the year with many problemsboth of classification as management and race pace. However, the improvements introduced in the recent great awardsare getting the team led by Lando Norris y Oscar Piastri, is fighting for podiums and by first lines during the last weeks.

191 points carry each other Carlos Sainz y Charles Leclerc. A year in which, first of all, much more was expected from the iconic team of Formula 1. After having achieved various podiums and some pole position, the team has not been enough consistent at the beginning of the season in terms of race paceso that everything achieved in the classification on Saturday, he looked vanished in the carrera Sunday. In the last great prizes it seems that the improvements introduced have been able to narrow the differences with its rivals when managing tires and do long runs of the race, however, the lousy strategies of the team directly affect the final results of both pilots.

Fernando Alonso Has got 149 of the 196 points that the English team has for the moment this season. breaking all records possible compared to Aston Martin of last season, much of this first part of the calendar the green team has been the hero in all races. They started the season getting a Third place, something that was repeated during several great prizes. In Monacothey stayed at 84 thousandths to snatch the pole position a Max Verstappenhowever a bad decision of tires in the race he snatched any chance of getting the desired victory number 33 of Fernando Alonso. The English team has been very clear talking about the improvements What do you have in mind for him? futureand after the summer break they hope to be able to return struggle for positions in the podium.

Aston Martin Podiums – Source: Twitter @AstonMartinF1

Although the year of George Russell is not being the best in terms of resultsit is clear that the pair what does he do with Lewis Hamilton is capable of fulfilling any aim Let the team score. With 247 points obtained, is in a comfortable second place in the team rankings. They have a coach who manages in an incredible way the tiresso that in the race they are able to stretch much more the rubber bands than the others, thus saving extra stops, and therefore losing seconds with their rivals. Also, Lewis Hamilton managed to take the pole position to Verstappen in the Big prize from Hungary, although after a bad start could not hold positions.

The team incontestable. They extend to 256 points above the Second classifiedWhat are they further than those he has achieved himself Mercedes. He cattle all careers disputed, either on the side of Max or in the of Czech. And although it is true that the performance of the pilot Mexican It has been seen questioned during the last few races, whenever the team needs him he responds with repairs very valuable. It seems that even without Perez, Max y Red Bull would follow leading both world.

Constructors’ championship change – Source: Twitter @F1

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