This is the mandatory insurance that you will have to do for your dog from September

by time news

2023-08-11 11:50:49

Until now, state regulations only required potentially dangerous dogs to be insured. However, this has changed. On March 28, the new Law for the protection of animal rights and welfare was published in the BOE, in which article 30.3 establishes for the first time the obligation to have civil liability insurance for dogs. A rule that will come into force as of September 2023.

«In the case of dog ownership and throughout the life of the animal, the owner must contract and maintain in force a civil liability insurance for damages to third parties, which includes in its coverage the persons responsible for the animal, for a amount of sufficient amount to cover the possible derived expenses, which will be established by regulation, “says the text. A rule that until now was only mandatory in some communities such as Madrid.

In addition, the text establishes that people who choose to own dogs must prove that they have completed a training course for dog ownership that will be valid indefinitely and that will be free.

Only one in four dogs is insured

Only one in four dog owners have insurance, according to a recent survey by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU). Now it will be mandatory for everyone.

When it comes to talking about the price of civil liability insurance, it will vary depending on the company with which the contract is made and will also depend on the age of the animal, its size, or even its breed. Some companies offer basic policies that can be purchased from 24 euros per year, although the most frequent are around 50 euros per year. There are also more comprehensive insurances available for around 90 euros per year.

#mandatory #insurance #dog #September

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