This is the SEPE notice to those over 52 years of age: you could lose your aid if you do not do this

by time news

2023-09-30 12:56:58

He HEDGE It has special help for the unemployed over 52 years of age who cannot find employment and are long-term unemployed. This is one of the most famous subsidies offered by Social Security, since it benefits thousands of people who, due to their advanced age, find it very difficult to find a place in the labor market. Besides, has no expiration date and you can continue to charge as long as you remain within the parameters imposed by the public body.

In order to access it, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements established within the General Social Security Regime. They stand out among them:

Be over 52 years old. Not having a job. Be actively searching for employment. Contribute a minimum of 15 years, of which at least two must be within this period. Let six of those years be without being self-employed.

However, even if you follow this strictly, the SEPE can leave you without this benefit as a last resort if it understands that you are doing something you shouldn’t. The subsidy for people over 52 years of age has an amount that corresponds to 80% of the public multiple-effect income indicator (IPREM) in force each year, what It is currently at 480 euros per month. This aid is divided into 12 payments per year without extra payments and can be maintained until the ordinary retirement age at that time.

What do I have to do to avoid losing help?

Almost 650.000 personas They currently receive the subsidy for those over 52 years of age, according to data from the Ministry of Labor. These may continue receiving aid as long as they do not exceed a maximum income of the 75% of the SMI, which is 810 euros per month. An annual review is also requested to determine if the beneficiary continues to comply with the SEPE rules.

In detail, these are the reasons why your aid may be withdrawn:

Go beyond those already mentioned 810 euros monthly income in the case of not having family responsibilities. The recipient agrees to submit a document annually where the rents collected during the last year are collected. Failure to renew the job application within the established deadlines. You must go to the unemployment offices every three months to certify your intention to continue seeking a job. If you don’t, you will receive a notice from Social Security.

Work outside Spain. If an unemployed person finds work abroad, this payment will be stopped. However, it is possible to recover it when he returns to the country as long as he meets the conditions that are in force at that time.

Maintain an activity commitment. The unemployed person has the obligation to carry out all necessary actions to return to the labor market.

Any other action that is not included in the Social Security rules, but constitutes a cause for investigation, may also result in a total or partial suspension of aid.

Will I lose her forever?

This answer is simple, since it depends on you. No help, except in extreme cases, he has a lifetime suspension. Generally, the SEPE stops the income because it understands that there is an error in your accounts or your work life has changed. If they make a mistake, you must contact an office within a short period of time to recover that monthly payment. If it persists over time and is not claimed, you will stop receiving the payments and your unemployment benefit will be suspended.

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