This Monday (27) the application of the bivalent vaccine against Covid-19 begins; see calendar – News

by time news

This Monday (27), the Ministry of Health begins the application of bivalent vaccines against Covid-19 throughout the national territory. The folder released the dates of the next immunization campaigns, which started on the same date, in order to increase the population’s vaccination coverage.

โ€œWe are facing a scenario of low coverage. Our population’s confidence in our vaccines has been attacked. It is essential to resume the vaccination routine to avoid epidemics of diseases, including those already under controlโ€, highlights the Minister of Health, Nรญsia Trindade, in an official note.

According to the Ministry of Health, from this moment on, the bivalent vaccines Comirnaty BA.1, BA will be applied. 4 and BA. 5 by Pfizer. Immunizers will be used in addition to the previously initiated vaccination scheme.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health states that “more than 19 million doses of bivalent vaccines against Covid-19 were distributed to all states and the Federal District to start the first stage of the National Movement for Vaccination. reinforcement with bivalent vaccines provides greater security for specific groups of greater vulnerability, with risks for complications of the disease and death”.

Renato Kfouri, vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Immunizations (SBIM), says that the ร”micron variant was the most consolidated, when compared to the other mutations of the virus, being prevalent all over the world.

“There was no way to make a new vaccine for each variant, even though they were quickly replaced by others. From the moment that ร”micron was established, it was possible to add it to the vaccine, showing greater benefits in combining it than presenting separate vaccines for each variation of Sars-CoV-2”, he explains.

Bivalent formulations are used to reinforce the vaccination schedule, requiring at least two previous doses of the monovalent vaccine. Kfouri alleges that the benefits were observed in populations over 60 years old or with risk factors for the development of severe cases, who had already received the previous three doses. For those who do not have comorbidities and are below this age group, protection continues to be provided with at least three applied doses of the monovalent vaccine.

Kfouri highlights that the pandemic is not over yet. Although the general scenario is better, there are still many cases and seriousness, and risk groups are still quite vulnerable, even if already vaccinated, as protection tends to decrease over time.

He emphasizes that it is necessary to make the population aware of the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, aiming at greater adherence.

2023 Vaccine Campaign Calendar

The five stages of the national vaccination schedule are divided into:

Stage 1 – starting in February
Vaccination against Covid-19 (reinforcement with the bivalent vaccine)
(population estimate: 52 million)

Target audience: people at higher risk of severe forms of Covid-19; people over 60 years of age; pregnant and puerperal women; immunocompromised patients; disabled people; people living in long-term institutions; indigenous, riverside and quilombola peoples; health workers.

Stage 2 – from March
Intensification of vaccination against Covid-19

Target Audience: The entire population over 12 years old.

stage 3 โ€“ from March
Intensification of vaccination against Covid-19 among children and adolescents

Target Audience: Children aged 6 months to 17 years.

Strategies and actions:
โ€ข Mobilize the school community, from kindergarten to high school with two weeks of mobilization and orientation activities; communicate students, parents and guardians about the need to take the vaccination booklet for evaluation;

Stage 4 โ€“ starting in April
influenza vaccination

Target Audience: People over 60 years old; adolescents in socio-educational measures; truckers; children aged 6 months to 4 years; Armed forces; security and rescue forces; pregnant and puerperal women; disabled people; people with comorbidities; population deprived of liberty; indigenous, riverside and quilombola peoples; teachers; public transport professionals; port professionals; professionals from the deprivation of liberty system; health workers.

stage 5 – From may
Polio and measles multivaccination in schools.

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