This must be taken with you on your journey: the electric mosquito bat

by time news

2023-08-18 12:37:56

One of the biggest annoyances of summer are mosquitoes. Anyone who goes to eat near the Tiber in Rome, for example, looks afterwards as if someone had carried out a particularly extensive allergy test on their legs. At night, in the hotel, the same thing: you fall asleep, you dream that you’re being forced to dance with a jellyfish, you wake up looking like you’ve done just that: everything that wasn’t under the covers itches and is swollen red, the children, also attacked by mosquitoes, look as if they have a new form of giant chickenpox.

Mixture of blood and printer’s ink

In these moments something like a grim lust for murder arises even in people who have vague sympathy for the thesis that mosquitoes are certainly important for nature in some way and that without the pollination abilities of the filigree insects there would theoretically not even be chocolate, like a mosquitoophile Biologists like to explain. But that’s a thesis that doesn’t count when it’s bitten, he doesn’t care about the chocolate, and he doesn’t expect the species to die out anyway: the mosquito has to die.

#journey #electric #mosquito #bat

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