This sport is pure insanity – 2024-05-24 21:13:03

by times news cr

2024-05-24 21:13:03

Seven years after Ninja Concept’s shock hit seems with “Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II” the long-awaited sequel. t-online previewed it.

“It begins because it ends – alone within the darkness.” With these atmospheric phrases, the scene of “Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II” is about very quickly. The younger Celtic warrior Senua embarks on a brutal journey of survival by the myths and torments of tenth century Iceland, consistently battling exterior and inner demons.

As within the first a part of “Hellblade”, the journey on this motion journey is peppered with corpses, deep grief and ache. Senua shortly remembers the Viking raid on her personal village and the loss of life of her mom and her beloved Dillion.

Story: A unique setting, the identical demons

This time a distinct village, even a distinct nation – and but the identical image: burned-out homes, screaming infants, crying moms. Senua notices the traces of struggle, she will virtually really feel the horror of days passed by. The reminiscences will not let her go and the previous instantly catches up along with her once more. The voices in her head get louder as her self-doubt and concern develop.

Then a reminiscence: Senua as a baby, at house along with her mom Galena. She is singing a track to her little lady – very lovingly and quietly. We really feel protected, within the in any other case determined seek for safety. Even the voices in our heads have fallen silent for a short while, and for a short second there’s peace, even a sense of contentment.

However all of the sudden we’re again in the course of Senua’s private hell. It is about survival, the voices in our heads are at all times there. They scare us, they offer us clues, they make us doubt – however above all, they by no means allow us to discover peace.

Ache is part of us

After which: Senua accepts her destiny, her mom and her lover Dillian are gone – however they continue to be in her coronary heart without end. We bear in mind our promise and settle for the ache – as part of us. And all of the sudden the trail forward of us is obvious, it leads over the bridge to the opposite financial institution. One other piece of the puzzle has fallen into place. The trail? Stays unsure. And darkish.

Within the sport itself – even when it nearly fades into the background on this intense journey of expertise – Senua as soon as once more units out to seek out the murderers of her beloved Dillion. Within the first half, she already went by hell and again – with out success.

Gameplay: The ability of the runes paves the best way

We use the facility of so-called runes, historic Germanic characters. We encounter them wherever we glance. They inform the painful historical past of the nation and its folks. If we focus our gaze, they open doorways for us or rebuild destroyed bridges. All we regularly want is the precise perspective, and the voices present us the precise manner when wanted.

The ability of the runes can also be very helpful in battle and generally even important. Profitable actions – together with hits from mild or exhausting blows, well-timed parries or evasive maneuvers – fill the power of the so-called sacrificial mirror that we feature with us. If we ignite this on the proper second, we will decelerate time within the sport, dodge higher and inflict quite a lot of harm on our opponents.

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