Thoracic Surgeons at Bangkok Heart Hospital: Saving Lives and Overcoming Challenges

by time news

2023-08-17 13:00:00
Title: Upholding the Spirit of Healing: Thoracic Surgeons Making a Difference at Bangkok Heart Hospital

Subtitle: Dr. Phadungkiat Set Piroon Dharma and Assistant Professor Dr. Sira Laohathai revolutionize thoracic surgery in Thailand

Imagine working on a stand for hours without knowing the exact time off work, facing pressure and stress all the time, at the cost of bringing people back to live longer. If you know this, would you want to do this job or not?

Dr. Phadungkiat Set Piroon Dharma, a renowned thoracic surgeon specializing in pulmonary and thoracic surgery, is one of the few doctors who remains dedicated to this demanding and life-saving profession. His journey began when he witnessed his father’s battle with sudden ischemic heart disease, which opened his eyes to the suffering of patients and the vital role of doctors.

Inspired by his father’s illness, Dr. Phadungkiat decided to pursue a medical career, enrolling at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital at Mahidol University. However, his commitment to the field deepened further when his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. This experience reinforced his belief in the importance of preserving patients’ lungs and drove him to specialize in thoracic surgery, a field known for its complexity and time-consuming nature.

Dr. Phadungkiat’s pursuit of excellence led him to pursue further education in gastrointestinal and thoracic surgery at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the United States. Armed with the knowledge acquired, he returned to Thailand and became a pioneer in establishing a lung cancer surgery center at Bangkok Heart Hospital. The center focuses on holistic treatment, combining advanced diagnostic techniques, cutting-edge surgical procedures, and comprehensive patient care during the recovery period.

Bangkok Heart Hospital offers a range of examination and treatment techniques for lung cancer, making it one of the leading facilities in Thailand. The hospital boasts the expertise and resources required to perform bronchoscopy, computed tomography-guided chest wall puncture, and endoscopic or robot-assisted surgery. These approaches provide accurate and minimally invasive methods for diagnosing and treating lung cancer, ensuring patients receive the best care possible.

Dr. Phadungkiat’s ultimate goal is to ensure that patients not only receive effective treatment but also experience a speedy recovery and return to their normal lives. He believes that the shorter the treatment period, the faster the patient can regain their health. Numerous success stories, such as patients recovering within a few days of surgery or driving back home to other provinces shortly after, have reaffirmed the effectiveness of his treatment methods.

Another beacon of hope in the field of thoracic surgery at Bangkok Heart Hospital is Assistant Professor Dr. Sira Laohathai. Driven by a desire to help those in need, he pursued a residency in thoracic medicine at Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. Through his training and professional experiences, he has become a specialist in lung surgery, micro-incision techniques, and the treatment of hand sweating.

Dr. Sira’s perspective shift occurred during his medical school years after witnessing a heart patient who passed away while waiting for surgery. Determined to make a difference, he devoted himself to studying thoracic surgery extensively. His pursuit led him to receive scholarships and training opportunities in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, enabling him to learn various surgical techniques and further expand his expertise.

Despite its importance, thoracic surgery remains an overlooked branch in the medical field. Thailand currently only has around 200 cardio-pulmonary surgeons, considering the demanding nature of the profession. Driven by a passion for improving outcomes for patients, Dr. Sira specializes in laparoscopic lung surgery, thymus gland surgery, sweating reduction surgery, and surgeries for dented chest patients. Through his work, he has transformed the lives of over 2,000 patients, contributing significantly to the field of thoracic surgery in Thailand.

Both Dr. Phadungkiat and Dr. Sira credit the success of their surgeries to the exceptional support provided by Bangkok Heart Hospital. The hospital’s state-of-the-art facilities, highly skilled personnel, and comprehensive postoperative care ensure patients receive the highest level of treatment and can quickly resume their daily lives.

In conclusion, Dr. Phadungkiat and Dr. Sira exemplify the unwavering dedication and passion present among thoracic surgeons at Bangkok Heart Hospital. Their relentless pursuit of perfection, life-saving surgeries, and commitment to patient well-being make them invaluable assets to the field of thoracic surgery in Thailand.]
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