Thousands at “Yeswecare” -Lichtermeer in Graz

by time news

Several 1,000 people responded to the call for a sea of ​​lights in Graz on Friday evening. Under the motto “Yeswecare” there was a silent memory of the corona victims and their relatives as well as solidarity with the health workers. The participants gathered along the Grazer Ring, at 6 p.m. candles were lit and mobile phone flashlights were switched on.

The initiators, the entrepreneurs Andreas Bergmann and Martin Schwab, had called in advance to adhere to the Corona measures, the event ran without any incidents, as the police announced in the evening at the request of the APA. The two emphasized that the idea arose from civil society, and that there were no political parties, NGOs or other stakeholders behind it.

Political support came from KPÖ mayor Elke Kahr, Judith Schwendtner from the Greens, Niko Swatek from NEOS and Michael Ehman from the SPÖ. The Medical University of Graz and the TU also supported the campaign and informed the students about the event.

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