Three applicants for the leadership of the National Authority for the Control of the Judiciary passed the first stage of tests

by time news

2023-04-18 01:41:37

Three applicants for the leadership of the National Authority for the Control of the Judiciary passed the curricular evaluation, the first stage of the Public Competition of Merits, convened by the National Justice Board (JNJ).

These are Marco Tulio Falconí Picardo, Giuliana Yanina Ortiz Zavaleta and Roberto Alejandro Palacios Bran, who obtained a score higher than the minimum score of seventy points, which allows them to pass the knowledge assessment, which will be taken on April 18.

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Applicants who pass the knowledge assessment move on to the third stage, which consists of evaluating their work plan. The fourth and final stage is the personal interview.

The National Authority for the Control of the Judiciary will replace the Office of Control of the Magistracy (OCMA), with the difference that the new authority will have functional, administrative and economic autonomy to carry out its functions. It will be in charge of preventing, supervising, investigating and imposing sanctions on the judges of all instances, except for the supreme magistrates.

See results of the curricular evaluation

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