Three questions to Mariette Raissa Kombila, President (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-12-30 01:21:04

Three questions to Mariette Raissa Kombila, Founding President of the MOUETSE association

December 29, 2023

In just a few hours, the year 2023 will pass the baton to its sister 2024. Mariette Raissa Kombila, Founding President of the Mouetse association, moonlight in the Ypunu language, was kind enough to answer the editor’s three questions.

1- What assessment do you make of your associative activities in this passing year of 2023? Who impressed you the most?

In this year 2023, the association Mouetse which means “Moonlight” In language ypunua has made significant progress in the establishment of mechanisms to combat domestic violence. She was provided with a space for processing agricultural products to free women from financial dependence.

It benefited from a partnership with the company Africa Global Logistics (AGL) formerly called Bolloré Africa Logistiques. Faithful to its social and human commitment, it reached out to populations to:

– a large supply of pharmaceutical and feminine hygiene products whose beneficiaries were women and young people incarcerated at the central prison of Tchibanga;

– a distribution of maternity protection towels for poor and pregnant women.

– faced with the crucial need of the populations and at their request, we ran to the women’s beds at the Benjamin Ngoubou maternity ward to distribute birth diapers and sanitary napkins;

– the association for which I am responsible, organized an intensive awareness campaign for the fight against violence against women during the 16 days of activism decreed by the United Nations which takes place from December 25 to 10 each year ;

– the MOUETSE association provided its expertise for the launch of the ICESCO Chair (Arab World Institute for Education, Science and Culture) in Gabon;

– as part of the empowerment of rural women and to close the year, the women of the MOUETSE association benefited from training in fish breeding techniques (fish farming) and a donation of equipment for the launch of an income-generating activity through collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock, under the leadership of the General Directorate of Fisheries.

All these actions carried out with the populations have allowed us to grow in associative experience and have also had a positive impact on us.

2- What do you wish for the coming year 2024?

Our country ranks first on the continent in terms of defending women’s rights. Despite this honorable position, several awareness campaigns, despite the construction of a reception center for abused women and successive governments, our country Gabon continues to record numerous cases of “feminicides“, and discrimination against women.

For the years to come, the MOUETSE association will continue to campaign for the protection of the family institution, breaking the law of omerta which is slowly destroying the family unit. Get women out of the terror and psychological control of their tormentors. We want to increase the number of awareness campaigns on domestic violence and gender-based violence. We invite companies established in our country to respect Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

A word to the CTRI.

In the early morning of August 30, 2023, our country experienced a coup of liberation. This liberation coup led our country to a change of regime. This change of regime has raised many hopes among the populations. The Gabonese whose hope now rests on the CTRI know that the latter will provide solutions linked to their social-economic, educational, security needs… the project is certainly vast but they remain confident.

As the founding president of the MOUETSE association and fervent defender of women’s rights, I would be happy to know the Brigadier General, President of the transition, Head of State, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, take the decision to bring back to Gabonese women their Ministry of reference”Ministry of Women’s Rights“. The dissolution of this Ministry on the day of the celebration of International Women’s Rights Day, March 8, 2021, was perceived by women’s rights defenders as an extreme violation of their rights.

I would like to thank all our local and development partners for their support and contributions to the materialization of Sustainable Development Goals No. 5 in accordance with the United Nations. As guarantor of our traditions, Gabonese women cannot remain on the sidelines of this transition process. In compliance with the various ratified international conventions such as the MAPUTO protocol. She intends to participate in the influence of her country Gabon.

Mariette Raissa KOMBILA

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