TikTok star Liron Ophir: My sentence has become part of the Hebrew language

by time news

The one who conquers the TikTok network these days with funny videos in which he allegedly threatens his wife that she should be careful when she goes out with friends, is Liron Ofir (29), who is known to us mainly from his participation in the reality show “Big Brother” four years ago. So, Ofir, only 25 years old, chose to leave the closed house due to his longing for his family and his partner at the time and slowly disappeared back into the life of anonymity. But his videos on Tiktok gained views and likes and became a network phenomenon, where people are exposed to his life and the life of his wife Ednali Avital.

You became a huge Tiktok hit. How did it happen?
“It started with everyday videos with all kinds of characters that I brought into people’s lives. It started with whistles, I would get out of a car and shout names. It worked well and I started uploading videos showing my married life with my wife. From there the part of ‘If I knew, If I listen’. One of the things about me that connects me to a lot of people is that all the urges I convey are things that go through everyone on a daily basis and they don’t bring it out.”

Why do you think it became a hit?
“I think I’m just me, my authenticity. I act normal.”

@lironofir ♬ original sound – Lironofirrr

Is it who you are or is it a character?
“It’s both me and a character. Many couples are like that with the ‘If I know, if I listen’. I don’t tell her: ‘If I listen, I’ll break your face.’ Obviously we exaggerate it and make it humorous.”

Your part is that you threaten your wife that “if he hears and if he assures me that…” she had too much fun in the pub with friends. how is she with it
“My wife always pushes me forward. She supports my art and that I express myself. She is my heart, everyone knows that she is my light. She is the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing before I go to sleep.”

There is criticism that it makes her the little woman.
“Do you think she cares what they say?” At this point Liron adds his wife Edenli to the conversation. “I feel great, I don’t care what people say,” said Ofir’s wife, who takes part in his successful videos. “We don’t see it in a segment like this, we don’t take into account the reactions on the net. It’s pure laughter and extreme jealousy. It’s not like that really.”
Liron: “On the contrary, we see that it brings peace to the house. I see a lot of tagging of spouses and within the family uploading their own videos. It’s exciting to see that we entered other people’s homes.”

How did the family react to this?
“Her father blew me off at first,” laughs Liron. “Her father is a prince and her mother is like Edenli ten times, they just push me to my art and burst out laughing.”

Liron Ophir (Photo: Arik Studio for Photography)

Tiktok is full of children, and there are also curse words like “bitch”. Don’t you feel responsible?
“I am who I am. Many people manage to see what I tried to convey. I try to convey my love and I feel it in the love of the audience. The audience embraces and loves and does not see anything negative in it. I feel that they understood who I am and that everything is in humor and I have no bad intentions, God forbid. Everything for you to smile.”

Is there a negative review? Do you encounter bad reactions?
“I usually encounter the hug and the love of the audience. Obviously there are bad reactions and there are people who may not connect, like anything. My wife is my armor. I am very sensitive, very. That’s why I have Edenli and I don’t pay attention to all these voices. I know what I’m for my wife and what I give for her. I’m not trying to do anything, just make people smile.”

You entered the “big brother” house four years ago. What is the difference between advertising then and today?
“Then I didn’t understand what was happening around me. Today I am much more settled in my mind, I am much more connected to myself. I come from a whole place and know how to embrace it and not be frightened by it. There were times after “Big Brother” when I didn’t know how to accept the publicity. I was then a boy 25 and suddenly I left the closed house and I didn’t have time to stop for a moment and think. I am currently in a place that is not obvious. I am much more mature and I have walls in my mind, I don’t care about the reactions because my goal is to be happy.”

Liron Ofir (Photo: Shlomi Cohen, Flash 90)Liron Ofir (Photo: Shlomi Cohen, Flash 90)

With the success of Tiktok came the managers, whenConcrete marketsthe singer’s husband Eden Ben Zaken and owns an artist representation office together with Roberto Ben Shoshan, sent Liron Ofir a message that he liked what he saw and signed him up for representation in their joint office. Ophir decided that it was his time to break through and went on a stand-up show on five different dates, all of which were sold out and sold out very quickly.

are you also a singer
“True, I sing. I’m not professional but I’m not Yishai Levi. I have many surprises in the new show. There’s something to wait for, I’m around the show all day and it’s going to be rare. I’m going to talk about relationships, about my mother-in-law, about the life I had before I met my wife.”

How come you didn’t leverage the success from “Big Brother”?
“I wasn’t connected to myself and my art. I wasn’t ready to open a camera and show myself as I am. I was ashamed to upload a selfie at the level of ‘what will they say and what will they think?’. Today I am open with myself at the level of putting the camera in the navel. The change happened thanks to my wife , I said to her: ‘How do I upload a picture? How do I promote something?’. I had 20,000 followers after ‘Big Brother’. I thought people would say: ‘What will become of him?’. She answered me: ‘Listen well, nobody Cares about you. Be you, you don’t understand how perfect you are’. She strengthened my confidence.”

Liron Ofir, Adneli Avital (Photo: Eric Studio for Photography)Liron Ofir, Adneli Avital (Photo: Eric Studio for Photography)

There is the phrase “behind every successful man there is a strong woman”. That’s really true about you.
“Edanli is everything. Do you want to talk to her?”.

Edenli, you also have a successful Tiktok. Is it also interesting for you to be a stand-up comedian?
“Basically no, it’s more for fun. Because I’m ‘the wife of’, my views and likes started to increase. I don’t pretend to be anything in this world. It’s not me, I’ve always hid from it. I see that Liron is like this, and it makes him happy, so I’ll go in there “.

In his ID in “Big Brother” he talked endlessly about his girlfriend at the time and even then he didn’t stop showering her with love.
Edenli: “Total Liron. When he’s with a partner, he’ll lift and brag and show the whole world that she’s the most important. It’s a quality he has that I haven’t seen in many.”

This is exactly the opposite of the character he presents on TikTok.
Edenli: “That’s the irony with him. People write to us, ‘How he loves you, how he’s jealous of you.’ Everything”.

Liron Ofir, Adneli Avital (Photo: Eric Studio for Photography)Liron Ofir, Adneli Avital (Photo: Eric Studio for Photography)

It is said that a person who uses humor has deeper layers of sadness.
“I suffer from a lot of anxiety on a daily basis. I’ve been to psychologists in my life, but it’s not something that currently requires the maintenance of tied hands,” laughs Liron and continues: “I’m a very sensitive person. If a person who is the most undeserving of treatment says something to me, I’ll think about What he said ten times.”
Edenli: “You can tell him, ‘You’ve become arrogant since you became famous,’ so he’ll be upset. Everyone will talk, even close people can say things, but he’s not arrogant, he’s progressed.”

Liron, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
“I wish myself with my own shows, conquering the stages and never stop laughing. I wish to preserve the gift I received from God, blessed be He, to make people happy. I receive many messages from people who are going through anxiety and depression, who have lost their loved ones and write to me, ‘You haven’t smiled in a long time, you made me come up A smile on my face’. The reactions I get are excessive for inclusion, I’m happy for this privilege. I still can’t digest it.”

Are you afraid it will end?
“I’ll always be loved, I won’t change. I’m very afraid of myself, I don’t want to change. All my life I’ve kept the son I am. I will too, I can’t change, that’s my character. There was a time when I tried to control my impulsiveness, I don’t Can. What I do is not a trend, when I would get out of the car and whistle, it was a trend. The phrase ‘If I know, if I listen’ has already become part of the language. You have to work to preserve it.”

Liron Ophir (Photo: Arik Studio for Photography)Liron Ophir (Photo: Arik Studio for Photography)

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