Tips for Healthy Sitting and Driving: Avoiding Negative Effects on Mood and Health

by time news

2023-08-02 11:42:00
Driving or sitting in a car for a long time can have negative effects on mood and health. Whether it’s being stuck in a traffic jam or traveling long distances during a holiday, sitting for extended periods can lead to various health problems. In addition to body aches, there are other diseases and discomforts that can arise from prolonged sitting, such as sore muscles, motion sickness, stress, clogged veins, and herniated discs.

To ensure that long drives or sitting time do not cause any negative effects on health, it is important to start with behavior modification, exercise, and proper eating habits. When having to sit in a car for a long time or drive for extended periods, it is common to experience body pains. “Krungthep Turakij” has gathered some techniques to help alleviate these pains and prevent any negative health effects. It is also important to pay attention to symptoms caused by sitting in the same position for many hours without moving, as certain diseases may be at risk.

One of the first symptoms that individuals may experience after sitting in a car or sitting for a long time is body aches. Simply driving to and from work can cause aches and pains due to sitting in the same position for hours without moving. To combat fatigue from long car rides, it is recommended to adjust the seat to fit the body, stretch the legs, and massage the muscles during traffic jams. Taking breaks along the way can also help relieve pain and discomfort.

Another ailment that can occur from prolonged sitting is sore throat. Sitting for long periods, whether in an office or driving, can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, affecting other organs in the body such as the shoulders, back, hips, and legs. Therefore, it is crucial to find time to rest or park the car to stretch and alleviate these symptoms.

Motion sickness can also present itself during short or long journeys, including car rides. If a person knows they are prone to car sickness, it is recommended to take anti-motion sickness medication 30 minutes before traveling or open the window for fresh air flow to help alleviate the symptoms.

Driving through traffic jams during festive seasons can be incredibly stressful. The increased volume of cars and the need for concentration while driving can cause physical and mental strain. To prevent stress during these times, it is important to get enough rest, prepare necessary supplies and medications for emergencies, and practice relaxation techniques.

Sitting for long periods can also lead to back pain and can potentially cause herniated disc disease if behavior is not modified or solutions are not sought. It is important to exercise the muscles of the arms, legs, and neck while in traffic to relieve tension and prevent back pain. Additionally, sitting still for a long time can increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis, a severe and life-threatening condition. Moving and changing positions frequently can help prevent this condition.

Correct sitting posture is essential to prevent various health issues associated with prolonged sitting. Sitting comfortably with a straight back, back pressed against the chair, and legs perpendicular to the floor can help reduce back, shoulder, and neck pain. It is important to sit with the back supported, keep eyes level with the computer screen, and maintain a 90-degree angle with shoulders while using the keyboard.

When it comes to driving, it is necessary to consider the posture as well. Driving in a sitting position already puts high pressure on the back, so it is important to have the correct driving posture. Knees should be slightly higher than the hips, the seat should be at the right distance from the steering wheel, and leaning back about 20 degrees can help reduce pressure on the spinal column.

In conclusion, sitting or driving for long periods can have negative effects on mood and health. By adopting proper behavior modification, exercising regularly, and practicing proper eating habits, individuals can prevent diseases and discomforts associated with sitting for extended periods of time. Taking breaks, adjusting seating position, and practicing correct sitting and driving postures can also help alleviate pain and maintain good health.]
#Czech #Diseases #driving #sitting #long #time #dangerous #health

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