Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Monday

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Rain ahead (finally) but no heat relief

Parts of Denmark could see much-needed rain as early as Monday evening, but you won’t be able to swap out your fans for umbrellas just yet.

The heat won’t abate for another few days in spite of rain on the forecast, according to the Danish Meteorological Institute. Expect temperatures from 25 to 30 degrees through the end of the week.

READ MORE: How 2022 compares to Europe’s hottest summers

Salman Rushdie book tops Danish best seller list

Danes in droves have ordered Salman Rushdie’s book “The Satanic Verses” after the author narrowly survived a stabbing at a book reading on Friday, newswire Ritzau reports.

The book, which caused Iranian clergy to issue a fatwa or death order for the Indian author in 1989, is listed as the top-selling book on, Denmark’s largest online book store, as of Monday.

Danish Red Cross breaks record for families sent on summer holiday

Nearly 1,000 children and parents in Denmark went on summer vacation courtesy of the Red Cross this year, the charitable organisation wrote in a press release.

This summer saw higher demand for the Red Cross’s holiday camps due to the difficult economic situation, says Marie-Louise Gotholdt, head of the Red Cross in Denmark. Fortunately, the organisation was able to meet that demand and all families that applied were able to enjoy some holiday fun at one of the Red Cross’s 21 camps across Denmark, the release said.

Students demand sex education in all secondary education

While sexual education is mandatory in Danish primary school, that guidance doesn’t necessarily continue for all students later in their secondary education. But advocacy from student groups including the Danish High School Students’ Association has pushed minister of children and education Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil to change that, a press release from her office says.

Rosenkrantz-Theil has proposed compulsory sex ed in all youth education, including secondary school. Student advocates say it’s vital to empower students to change the culture around sex in Denmark.

“We have just received new consent legislation. It is absolutely crucial that if we are to ensure a real cultural change, it is our generation that must take the lead,” says Ingrid Kjærsgaard, former president of the Danish High School Students’ Association. “It requires that we also get a space in our educations to talk about how to ensure consent and respect boundaries.”

READ MORE: Danish parliament passes landmark bill to reform law around rape

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