Tomb Raider’s new owner, Deus Ex will release a lot of games

by time news

Image for the article titled Tomb Raider, Deus Ex' new owners will milk everything they have'

picture: Eidos

When she bought the Empress set Tomb riderAnd Demon X. And some things earlier this monthFans were excited to see some more games in this beautiful series than the ones Square Enix managed in the neglected decade.

Well, you/we can have it, and then, Because of Embracer’s recent financial resultsThe company says that after a “high and positive response” to purchases, they’ve found “great potential” in launching several games and other things based on the characteristics they can manage.

At the end of the quarter, we strengthened our development capabilities and IP portfolio by entering into agreements to acquire Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal and Square Enix Montreal, including Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Thief and Legacy of Kain, among others. The advertisement received an overwhelming and positive response. We find great potential not only in sequels, but also remasters, transformers, sub-projects and transmedia projects.

From 2009 to 2022, Eidos’ Square Enix ownership saw some good releases. Tomb rider The most recent games were released in 2018. They also supervised the release of both games. Demon X. The trilogy, both excellent, but the second was released six years ago.

It’s been a long time without big and new games, so fans of any series would like to see the announcement on this front. Whether or not refactors and reconfigurations are needed is another matter, but the “sub-items” mentioned are similar to mobile devices Demon X. And Tomb rider Games – cool – that would be cool, thank you.

As for Transmedia projects, they may range from animation to film (but remember, Tomb rider there Previously Get the anime treat with Netflix)

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