Top 10 captains of the XV of France: when Califano praises Guirado

by time news

The former pillar of the XV of France takes the defense of the ex-captain of the Blues on the occasion of the classification drawn up by Le Figaro.

A jury formed by Le Figaro has established the Top 10 captains of the XV of France. A ranking that saw Guilhem Guirado only take 11e place, with 19 points. Christian Califano, however, showed his support for the young retiree who was captain of the Blues 32 times, from 2016 to 2019.We missed something big with him. He never gave up, never left the ship when he lived through very hard times with the XV of France. It was not easy for him but he held the helm on his own, he always stood up to criticismunderlines the former pillar of the XV of France (71 selections from 1994 to 2007), interviewed by Le Figaro. Guilhem was an extraordinary, impressive player. With a huge heart. It’s not a guy who talks about it. I would have really liked to have him as captain.»

Continuation and end of our classification of captains:
Guilhem Guirado (32 captaincies from 2016 to 2019): 19 points
Michel Crauste (22 captaincies from 1962 to 1966): 12 points
Serge Blanco (17 captaincies from 1989 to 1991): 7 points
Lucien Mias (6 captaincies from 1958 to 1959): 6 points.

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