Top 20 countries with the largest penis

by time news

2024-02-19 21:00:20

Surveys reveal that penis size, worldwide, varies between 9.3 and 17.95 centimeters. Which country takes first place? Find out, below.

Last update: February 19, 2024

The length and thickness of the male member are related to virility and sexual pleasure. Following this, Both men and women have wanted to know what the average penis size is and what factors influence this. In fact, the topic has generated taboos and beliefs that, today, have been discredited.

To cite a few examples, there is no evidence that penis size is equivalent to hand or shoe size. It is also not correlated with the number of sexual partners. On the other hand, global surveys reveal that there is variability in its length, according to geographical location.

Although the conclusions have some limitations, the 2024 data shared via World Population Review reveal that, on average, The normal size ranges between 12.9 and 13.9 centimeters erect. Spain is in 91st place, with an average of 13.58. What countries are in the top 20?

1. Sudan

The most recent reports cite Sudan as the country that has the men with the “longest” penises. According to self-reported data, In the African country the size reaches 17.95 centimeters erect (7.07 inches). Meanwhile, the circumference is up to 13.0 centimeters or 5.15 inches.

2. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Self-reported information from the Democratic Republic of Congo allowed us to establish that the average penis size in that country is 17.93 centimeters erect (7.06 inches). The circumference measurement is 13.05 (5.14 inches).

In the past, this country was known as the Republic of Zaire. Not to be confused with the Republic of the Congo.

3. Ecuador

The South American country occupies third place in this ranking con a length of 17.59 centimeters erect and a circumference of up to 13.44 (5.29 inches).

4. Republic of the Congo

The Republic of the Congo, located in Central Africa, reports that the erect size of the penis of its men reaches up to 17.33 erect. Meanwhile, the circumference is around 12.74 centimeters or 5.02 inches.

5. Ghana

Ghana, also called the Republic of Ghana, is a country in West Africa that stands out in the world for its mining activity. The reports indicate that The virile member of his men reaches up to 17.31 centimeters erect, with a circumference of 12.79 (5.05 inches).

6. Nigeria

Like Ghana, Nigeria is located in West Africa. The measured data reported for this classification suggest that the size of their men’s penis reaches 17 centimeters erect (6.69 inches) and up to 12.35 in circumference (4.86 inches).

7. Venezuela

Venezuela is the second Latin American country that appears in the top 10 with the best ‘gifted’ men. The measurement is 16.93 long by 13.03 circumference.

8. Republic of Lebanon

Located in the Middle East, the Republic of Lebanon is ranked number eight in this ranking. According to self-reported evidence, The average penis size of their men is 16.82 centimeters long and up to 12.39 centimeters in circumference.

9. Colombia

With a minimal difference compared to Venezuela and Lebanon, Colombians appear in position nine of the best gifted. The reported length is 16.75 centimeters and the circumference is 12.95 centimeters.

10. Cameroon

Cameroon, located in Central Africa, closes the top 10 of the largest penises in the world. The measurement reported in this report is 16.65 centimeters long and 12.29 centimeters in circumference.

11. Jamaica

The average penis size of men in the Caribbean country does not go unnoticed. The survey highlights that The length of his member reaches 16.30 centimeters and a circumference of 12.01.

12. Kenya

With Kenya, Africa continues to add countries that stand out on this list. The self-reported information details that Their men have an average penis size of 16.28 centimeters; The circumference is up to 12.33 centimeters.

13. Dominican Republic

The country in the central area of ​​the Antilles not only attracts attention for its paradisiacal beaches. Their men have an average penis size of 15.99 centimeterswith a circumference of around 12.17 centimeters.

14. Senegal

Located in West Africa, Senegal takes 14th place in the list of men with the largest member. According to the data collected, the length of the penis is 15.89 centimeterswith a circumference of up to 12.22 centimeters.

15. Cuba

It is estimated that the average penis size of men in the Antillean country is 15.87 centimeters in length and about 12.13 in circumference.

16. New Zealand

Self-report data indicate that the average penis of New Zealand men is 15.79 centimeters in length and up to 13 centimeters in circumference.

17. Zambia

The Republic of Zambia is located in the south-central part of the African continent. Based on the information provided in this report, the size of the male member in this region is 15.78 centimeters, with a circumference of 11.69 centimeters.

18. Belice

Men from the coastal Central American country report that their member has an average of 15.75 centimeters in length and a girth of 12.87 centimeters.

19. Angola

The men of the African continent sweep the ranking of bigger penises. Angola, in 19th place, reports an average of 15.73 centimeters in length and 11.83 centimeters in circumference.

20. Brazil

Brazilian men are known for being quite attractive. Although they are not among the first places in this survey, the average size of their penis is not overlooked. The length of 15.70 and the circumference of 12.99 centimeters places them in 20th place among the most gifted.

Top 10 Countries with the Shortest Average Penis Size

  • Thailand: 9.43 centimeters and 10.83 in circumference.
  • North Korea: 9.60 centimeters and 11.86 in circumference.
  • Cambodia: 9.84 centimeters and 11.12 in circumference.
  • Nepal: 9.98 centimeters and 11.87 in circumference.
  • Burma: 10.10 centimeters and 10.64 in circumference.
  • Laos: 10.14 centimeters and 10.86 in circumference.
  • Vietnam: 10.15 centimeters and 11.55 in circumference.
  • Sri Lanka: 10.18 centimeters and 10.99 in circumference.
  • South Korea: 10.80 centimeters and 11.30 in circumference.
  • Filipinas: 10.85 centimeters and 11.03 in circumference.
  • What is the average size of the non-erect penis?

    The average length of the flaccid penis varies from 7 to 10 centimeters (between 2.8 and 3.9 inches). Meanwhile, its circumference varies from 9 to 10 centimeters (3.5 to 3.9 inches).

    Limitations in measuring average penis size

    It is important to consider that there are different surveys on the average penis size. Their results are inaccurate, so their information does not always coincide. For now, there is no definitive list with official or precise data on this topic.

    Reports to date are not entirely reliable and vary due to the methods used for measurement, the possible impartiality of self-reported data, and the characteristics of the volunteers. Even so, currently, they are considered a reference to estimate said measure.

    Factors related to penis size

    Popular beliefs associate height and penis size with height, hand size, or shoe size. However, studies carried out to date have not found a correlation between these. Instead of this, other more relevant factors have been identified.

    Environmental or hormonal issues, as well as nutrition and exposure to some substances during pregnancy influence penile development.

    • In childhood and adolescence, A nutrient deficiency interferes with penis growth. Regarding this, it has been determined that an optimal consumption of proteins (lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, etc.) is key to stimulating the growth of the erectile tissue of the penis.
    • Hormonal alterations, especially testosterone, negatively affect male genital development. Exposure to pesticides, plasticizers and other substances is related to these endocrine problems.
    • If a woman is exposed during pregnancy to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), plasticizers, and certain fertility medications, her son’s penis size may be smaller.
    • Las radiation therapies in newborns they can also be influenced by a small member size.

    It is important to comment that Factors such as race and geographic location have minimal impact on penis size variation. Although rankings on the average penis size have gained popularity, depending on the country of origin; In reality, regional differences are minimal.

    Does penis size influence sexual pleasure?

    Without a doubt, one of the most controversial issues surrounding the size of the male member is whether it influences sexual pleasure. Over the years, Surveys have revealed that for some women “size doesn’t matter,” while others say they prefer larger penises.

    While it’s true that it’s a matter of personal preference, scientific data has determined that size does matter. For example, preliminary studies shared in BJU International Journals They reported the following:

    «Reducing the depth of penetration led to a statistically significant reduction in 18% in sexual pleasure “generally with an average reduction of 15% in penis length.”

    But as with measurement studies, the findings regarding this topic have limitations and merit broader studies.

    What is there to remember?

    The average penis size has minimal variations with respect to the country of origin; Other factors such as nutrition, lifestyle habits, hormonal activity and pregnancy care have greater relevance in the development of the male member.

    Although in society the length of the penis is linked to fertility and sexual pleasure, size as such does not affect sexual function. Even if he does not reach a size considered “large”, a man can please his partner perfectly.

    What can hurt your sex life is your size mentality. Those who feel complex and low self-esteem about the length of their penis often experience anxiety about sexual performance and risk of erectile dysfunction.

    Hence the importance of breaking down taboos around the subject and improving perception of this measure.

    #Top #countries #largest #penis

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