Top 5 scientific achievements of Russia in 2021 named

by time news

Of course, the main achievement of Russian science in the past year was the development of a domestic vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus. But Russian researchers made at least five more important discoveries.

The IPQuorum portal named the development of the ExoAtlet II exoskeleton by the Russian company ExoAtlet, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, as one of them. With the help of special sensors and electromyograms, it enables those who have suffered a stroke or suffered a spinal cord injury to move. The exoskeleton is intended for those who are tied to a wheelchair.

Yandex has developed the Balaboba neural network. She imitates different styles, from literary to colloquial, selects the right words to generate text.

Voronezh-based startup Scinex has created a wingless air car that can be used as an air taxi. The prototype has already passed the first tests.

Scientists of the General Mechanics Laboratory of the Research Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and the Voltbro project presented a four-legged robot. For the time being, the model can only move on a flat surface at different speeds and turn.

Biotechnology company BIOCAD has developed the drug Levilimab, which fights the severe course of the coronavirus. The drug has already passed the third phase of clinical trials.

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