Torroella is consolidating itself as a benchmark for magic in Catalonia

by time news

2023-06-04 08:10:23

The 12th edition of the Torroella de Montgrí International Festival of Magic, the FIMAG, opened on Friday at the Auditori Espai Ter with the collective hypnosis session starring the Frenchman Jeff Toussaint, a renowned French illusionist considered the specialty genius; with the participation of thirty volunteers on stage. The hypnotist gave his name to a show that surprised locals and strangers alike with the careful and amazing hypnosis technique that turned volunteers into puppets of a magician who, in the style of a true guru, made with they what he wanted. The audience left the venue overwhelmed by a rarity of a show very difficult to see in Catalonia.

Yesterday Saturday, the Auditorium once again received one of the most outstanding exhibitions of this festival, the Grand International Gala. The entire aformanet was sold out for both sessions. This year’s gala had a more “international” representation than in high editions of FIMAG, as the Russian Alain Simonov took part in the manipulation number Limbo; the French Jimmy Delp – The orange magician with the number It’s Good of comic magic; Korean Manho Han with Shopping Haul, general magic number; the Catalan Dídak, with the Little Style of great illusions and the Swedish Hakan Berg, with the comic magic of The king of birds. The presentation was made by the Andalusian, Lola Mento, winner of last year’s magical attic, with a spontaneous, powerful and direct humor that made her deserving of presenting this year’s gala. From FIMAG, it is considered that the artistic level of this year’s gala exceeded all expectations and they believe that the festival is consolidating itself as the real benchmark among magic festivals in Catalonia.

Apart from the expected gala, yesterday’s day was also full of other activities and multiple scheduled sessions of unique magic (close-up magic in small capacities of 25 to 50 locations) with stars of the genre such as the current champion from the world of micro magic Luís Olmedo (in the courtyard of the Palau Solterra) or the Catalan referent of close-up magic, Pere Rafart (on the stage of the Cine Petit).

Today will be the closing of FIMAG and will have Jandro as the protagonist. The media artist, with the show Descabellado, with which he succeeded in Las Vegas, will close the FIMAG’23 festival. A show that has already surprised and made celebrities such as Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe and Tom Hanks laugh heartily.

#Torroella #consolidating #benchmark #magic #Catalonia

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