Towards 2024 Year of Transition: Crucial Priorities (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-12-29 13:18:22

Towards 2024 Year of Transition: The Crucial Priorities of Youth at the Heart of the Transition 2024 to 2025

December 29, 2023

As Gabon prepares for a pivotal year in 2024, marked by a crucial transition, eyes are turning to youth, who represent nearly 70% of the population. The imperative to take into account the aspirations of this dynamic generation should emerge as an essential necessity in the action plan and roadmap of the Transition and can be stated as follows:

1 – Youth, Pillar of the Transition

The 2024 political transition offers a unique opportunity to shape Gabon’s future, and youth are its central pillar. With such significant demographic representation, the concerns and ambitions of youth must be proactively integrated into the Transition Youth Strategy.

2 – Youth Key Priorities

First and foremost among the priorities set out by Gabonese youth is access to decent employment, which constitutes a major issue. The creation of employment opportunities, particularly through support for entrepreneurship, should feature prominently in the government action plan. Encouraging innovation and entrepreneurial initiative will help boost the economy and meet the expectations of younger generations.

Quality education and professional training also constitute major challenges. Increased investment in the education and professional training system is essential to arm young people with the skills necessary for their professional and personal development.

3 – Political Participation and 2025 Deadlines

The political participation of young people is a fundamental requirement during this transition period. It is imperative to create mechanisms promoting the political engagement of young people, thus preparing them to play an active role in the electoral deadlines of 2025. Discussion forums, awareness programs and political training opportunities are all initiatives to consider.

4 – Towards a Sustainable Future

Finally, Gabonese youth aspire to a sustainable future. Integrating sustainable development policies and projects into the Youth Transition Strategy will help ensure a positive legacy for future generations.

In conclusion, the year 2024 promises to be a crucial period of Transition in Gabon, where youth hold the key to the future. The government must respond to the expectations of this dynamic generation and actively include them in building a strong and prosperous nation.

Youth Collective for the Fatherland (CJP)

Priority Axes of the Youth Transition Strategy 2024 – 2025

#Year #Transition #Crucial #Priorities #Gabonews

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