towards an increase in mobilization?

by time news
Demonstration against the pension reform, in Laval (Mayenne), January 31, 2023. JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP

CARTE – The demonstrations which took place this morning in the provinces have, it seems, brought together more people than those of January 19. Before the count of Paris and Lille, the mobilization reached at 5 p.m. more than 980,000 demonstrators everywhere in France, according to calculations by Fig Data.

Successful bet for the unions? Most of the parades that took place this Tuesday morning throughout France brought together a larger number of demonstrators, according to initial estimates from the prefectures. Same observation also from Laurent Berger and Philippe Martinez at the CGT. It is, according to the union leader of the CFDT «a real signal sent to the government». However, if the processions look more provided, the strikers seem less numerous Tuesday than during the first day of mobilization. Nearly two in ten civil servants (19.4%) were on strike in the middle of the day in the state civil service on Tuesday, against 28% on January 19, according to the Ministry of Civil Service. According to the Ministry of National Education, the rate of striking teachers reached 25.9% against 38.5% on a weighted average ten days ago.

This map is updated throughout the day. Last update at 6:30 p.m.

For example, there were 10,000 people in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée) against 8,000 ten days earlier. Same dynamic in Béziers (Hérault) where the protesters were 7,500 against 5,000 ten days ago. In Reims (Marne), 6,000 people beat the pavement. They were only 4,500 during the previous day of protest against the pension reform.

Conversely, the mobilization seems to have been less strong in Valenciennes (North) and in Tulle (Corrèze), with 500 fewer demonstrators compared to January 19.

This second day of action should be crucial. As a reminder, 1.12 million French people had marched against the pension reform on January 19. The Ministry of the Interior expects between 1 and 1.2 million people in the streets this Tuesday.

HAVEALSO – Strike against the pension reform: a mobilization “in increase” compared to January 19

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