Traffic: Warning strike: Many federal states allow truck driving on Sundays

by time news

Warning strike: Many federal states allow trucks to drive on Sundays

This Sunday, trucks will also be seen on the Autobahn in eight federal states. photo

© Peter Kneffel/dpa

Nine federal states want to help the trucking companies and are therefore allowing truck journeys on Sunday before the nationwide traffic strike on Monday. According to the industry, that won’t change much.

Nine of the sixteen federal states are refraining from enforcing the driving ban for trucks this Sunday. The reason for this is the nationwide warning strike in the transport sector announced for Monday.

Goods transports can be brought forward if necessary. Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg and Saxony-Anhalt announced that they would not control the truck driving ban on Sunday or would even lift it. Forwarders, retailers and Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) had previously advocated such a step.

No traffic jams feared

The driving ban applies otherwise on Sundays from midnight to 10 p.m. for trucks with a permissible total weight of over 7.5 tons. According to the Association of Transport Economics and Logistics North Rhine-Westphalia, the waiver of controls in the eight federal states will not lead to traffic jams on the motorways. “We’ll see a few hundred more trucks on the highway tomorrow, but it’s not like we have to worry about traffic jams,” said Marcus Hover, Vice President of the association on Saturday. Because this measure comes very late for the industry. The planning of the transports in the forwarding agencies has long since been completed.


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