Transport associations: Weak interim report for coalition | free press

by time news

2023-08-30 06:15:23

Company car privilege and kerosene tax exemption on the one hand, on the other hand too little use for bicycle traffic and rail network – so the moderate interim balance. But there is also praise.


Transport associations gave the traffic light coalition halfway through the election period a weak interim report. According to a joint paper, there were bad marks for projects to increase cycling, improve road safety and reduce climate-damaging subsidies.

The Pro-Rail Alliance association, the ADFC bicycle club and the ACE auto club also complain that there is a lack of an overall strategy for road, rail and cycle paths. So far, no clear line can be seen as to where Germany wants to go with the traffic turnaround. Overall, the transport policy associations of the coalition gave the grade sufficient.

Germany ticket: “Giant step”

However, the associations rated the strengthening of rail and local public transport as satisfactory. The Germany ticket in local and regional transport is a “giant step” forward in terms of transport policy, it said. However, there is still a long way to go when it comes to expanding the range of buses and trains. The fact that investments in rail are to be increased significantly is a step in the right direction. But there has been little progress, for example in the electrification of the rail network.

The associations also criticize that the expansion of the charging infrastructure for e-cars is progressing too slowly. In the coalition agreement, the SPD, Greens and FDP had made it their goal to make Germany the “leading market for electromobility”. The fact is, however, that China in particular has overtaken Germany in many areas. In the case of climate-damaging subsidies, for example, the so-called company car privilege and the kerosene tax exemption are still untouched. (dpa)

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