Trio arrested after holding family hostage during robbery in Guarulhos

by time news

2023-08-09 03:56:28

Suspects approached the driver of a truck on a side street on the Presidente Dutra Highway and threatened the victim’s wife and son, who were inside the vehicle.

Divulgation/Military Police Police found a signal blocker with 12 antennas, valued at R$ 150,000

A Military Police (PM) arrested a trio and freed a family held hostage in Guarulhoson the big São Paulo. The victims were taken hostage in Cumbica, on the night of this Monday, 7. According to the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP), the suspects approached the driver of a truck in a lane on the Presidente Dutra Highway. One of them attacked the victim with a butt and threatened the driver’s son and wife, who were inside the vehicle. Two suspects took over driving the truck, while the third remained in a car providing cover for his accomplices. A person who was passing by the place and observed the movement triggered the PM, according to the folder. The police located the truck and called a stop, which was not obeyed. The car providing cover fled.

According to the SSP, the police followed the vehicle for five minutes until they managed to stop. In the approach, the two suspects were arrested and the victims were released. A 38 caliber revolver with the numbering shaved off was seized with the duo. Other vehicles located the vehicle that had fled the scene. The suspect ended up losing control of the vehicle and crashing into a wall on the same road, towards Rio de Janeiro. According to the folder, the police found a signal blocker with 12 antennas, valued at R$ 150,000, to prevent vehicles from being located. The car used by the bandits had been stolen and had cloned license plates. The trio was taken to the 8th Police District of Guarulhos. Witnesses testified and recognized the trio. The delegate ordered the arrest in flagrante delicto of those accused of robbery. They are at the disposal of Justice.

#Trio #arrested #holding #family #hostage #robbery #Guarulhos

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