Truck accident kills 53 refugees-Dinamani

by time news

At least 53 people have been killed after a truck carrying refugees crashed into an iron bridge in Mexico.

According to the Associated Press:

The truck, which was carrying a large number of refugees illegally in Mexico, lost control at a turn and collided with a nearby iron walkway on Thursday as it was approaching Tuxtla Gutierrez, in the province of Chiapas.

The vehicle overturned and crashed on the road at breakneck speed.

53 refugees were killed in the accident; 54 Bo was injured.

It is said that the truck was overloaded due to overcrowding and the vehicle stalled at the turn and collided with the steel bridge.

A refugee who survived the crash said there were about 200 refugees in the vehicle at the time of the accident.

The health of the 21 people injured in the crash is worrying, said Luis Manuel Moreno, chief of public safety in Chiapas province. She said they were being treated at various hospitals.

Many of those killed and injured in the crash were foreigners. Most of them are from Guatemala and Honduras, according to Foreign Minister Mozillo Ibrat.

Various countries are seeking asylum in the United States from neighboring Mexico.

The United States has opposed the entry of undocumented refugees through Mexico. To the satisfaction of the United States, Mexico has pursued a policy of repatriating refugees seeking asylum in the United States.

To that end, the country has banned the transport of refugees on buses. Since then, a number of smugglers have been involved in extorting large sums of money from refugees, loading them into unsafe trucks and transporting them in large numbers across the U.S. border.

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