TRUE OR FAKE. Rail freight between France and Italy has decreased enormously, as left-wing figures claim?

by time news

2023-06-21 17:33:31

Posted on 06/21/2023 17:27 Updated on 06/21/2023 17:28

Video length: 2 mins.

franceinfo Article written by

Faced with the desire to build a new Lyon / Turin line, several left-wing personalities highlight the drop in rail freight, divided by five or seven depending on the politicians. What is it really?

Opposed to the new Lyon/Turin line, several left-wing personalities highlight the existing rail line on this route. It would be underused according to their statements. “In 20 years, rail freight between France and Italy has been divided by five“, noted Sandrine Rousseau, June 16 on Franceinfo.

The existing railway line connects Lyon (Rhône) to Turin (Italy), passing through a tunnel under Mont-Cenis. It is an old structure, built 150 years ago. In 2000, 8.6 tonnes of goods passed through this tunnel. It was only 2.7 tons in 2021, a division by three. There is therefore a strong decrease, but Sandrine Rousseau and Jean-Luc Mélenchon exaggerate this decrease.

A decrease due to the dilapidation of the tunnel

How to explain the decline? The Ministry of Transport highlights the dilapidation of the tunnel: “Although the historic tunnel was indeed able to transport approximately 10 million tonnes in the 1980s, the safety constraints in place today prevent it from being able to be attreach such levels”. The version is confirmed by a note from the SNCF network which points to “the absence of a refuge accessible from the outside, or a separate tube that can serve as a refuge”.

These are all arguments that explain the decline on this route in favor of road transport. In the Alps, 93% of goods transport is done by truck.

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