Trump responds to Biden’s attacks and affirms that the US is today a “failed state”

by time news

2024-01-06 20:34:47

Donald Trump has taken advantage of the opportunity offered by his first visit al Iowa StateWhere, in A week and a half The caucuses that begin the presidential race in the US will be held to attack his competitor for the Republican nomination Nikki Haley and respond to the accusations of his Democratic rival, Joe Bidenhaving become a threat to democracy.

Before an audience of hundreds of supporters, the former president painted a dark image of the UScalling it a state “failed”harassed by “terrorists” and immigrants from “mental asylums”, who enter US territory without pause and without limits. He returned the attacks launched by Biden, who spoke of the potential dangers by one Trump’s second term at an event in Pennsylvania a few hours earlier.

Biden, who will most likely face Trump in November in a repeat of the competition from three years ago, had been very critical of Trump’s behavior during the January 6, 2021when an avalanche of his supporters attacked the Capitol at the moment when the American legislators They were certifying the Biden victory in 2020. “Nothing has improved under criminal Joe Biden; everything It is a disaster“Trump proclaimed to his followers in this rural state in the northwest of the United States.

Trump tiptoed through the events of January 6, 2021, repeating unfounded accusations that the electoral race was marked by fraud.

Diatribes to Haley

The New York tycoon also directed his diatribes towards Nikki Haleywho served as ambassador to the UN during her mandate, a candidate who is increasingly most valued polls, “Nikki Haley has been in the pocket of donors belonging to the ‘open borders’ establishment throughout his career,” he criticized. “It’s a globalist” she continued. Her opponent’s team was quick to respond and referred to her performance as governor of South Carolina. “Donald Trump probably doesn’t remember that Nikki Haley approved one of the anti-immigration legislation tougher in 2011, because at that time (Trump) was still a liberal from New York,” countered Nachama Soloveichik, communications director for Haley’s campaign.

Trump’s team is preparing in detail the caucus de Iowa and he doesn’t want to leave anything al azar. Although the crowd that came to hear him was much larger than any event organized in the past by his Republican competitorsdoes not want what happened in 2016 to happen, when all the polls placed him in headbut finally finished second.

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His team had recruited 1,800 caucus captains in mid-December, according to a senior member of his campaign, who have developed hundreds of sessions of training. The caucus system consists of voters congregating in default placesand a representative of the main candidates gives a speech about his cpreferred candidate. Later, those gathered cast their vote.

The event that took place on Friday night began with a explanatory session by video, during which Trump’s former sister-in-law explained the caucus process in detail. Dozens of people had shown up at the scene dressed in a White hatwhich indicated that they were caucus captains.

#Trump #responds #Bidens #attacks #affirms #today #failed #state

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