Tula region is among the five best regions for the population census

by time news

On November 3, at a meeting of the operational headquarters, chaired by Governor Alexei Dyumin, the progress of the All-Russian population census in the Tula region was discussed.

Alexey Dyumin noted that in the region, as well as throughout the country, it is being held in difficult conditions. The Governor thanked everyone who took part in it.

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Internal Policy and Development of Local Self-Government of the region Anton Ageev said that from October 15 to November 14, the All-Russian Population Census is being held in the region in compliance with all epidemiological requirements. You can pass it on the State Services portal, with the help of enumerators at the place of residence, at specially organized enumeration areas and at the MFC.

Currently, more than 1 million 189 thousand people have been enrolled in the region, which is 83% of the total number of residents. The leaders are Zaoksky, Kurkinsky, Arsenyevsky and Suvorovsky districts.

Anton Ageev emphasized that the Tula region is one of the five best regions for conducting the population census and takes a leading position in organizing the census through the State Services portal.

“I have already taken the opportunity to pass the census on the State Services portal. It’s simple, convenient and safe, ”said Alexey Dyumin.

The head of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Tula Region, Viktor Nekhaev, thanked the Governor for his help in organizing the census in the region. He noted that all tasks are being solved in a coordinated, constructive manner and in close cooperation with the regional government, heads of municipalities and federal structures. Hence the high results.

“The population census is a very important event for the region and the whole country. In the remaining 11 days, I will ask everyone to take part in it. The further development of the country in general and the Tula region in particular depends on this, ”stressed Alexey Dyumin.

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